Stories of Good

Landmark Announcement: We're now Protecting 150,000 biodiverse Acres in Argentina

Written by GGC | Apr 30 2024

More than 150,000 Acres Donated to Mendoza Province

After more than ten years, Greater Good Charities is excited to announce that, in partnership with, we have awarded the Wildlife Conservation Society a second grant to protect more than 150,000 acres in the Province of Mendoza.

Located in La Payunia, this protected area is inhabited by endemic, endangered, and threatened species. The Wildlife Conservation Society has been working for over 20 years to safeguard its landscape, conducting extensive research on these species, supporting its conservation, and developing regenerative land management practices to allow humans and wildlife to coexist.

“Greater Good Charities is thrilled that after nearly a decade, this special land in Mendoza and the species that live there are getting the protection they deserve," said Greater Good Charities CEO Liz Baker. "We are proud to participate in this effort as a part of our mission to preserve the environment and help protect biodiversity.” 

Preserving Biodiversity

This land is the main winter range of the most massive guanaco migration left in the species' range. It provides habitat for the threatened Andean condor, endangered Andean cat, Darwin's rhea, puma, mountain viscachas, grey and culpa foxes, and other small cats.

In 2019, Greater Good Charities and worked with the Wildlife Conservation Society to permanently protect nearly 103,000 acres of guanaco summer range by purchasing it from private landowners and donating it to the government of Mendoza as a tool for supporting public lands. 

And now, that number has grown to 150,000 acres.

Habitat Protection

This grant will acquire an additional 50,000 acres, expanding the public land in the protected area for vulnerable species and the most massive guanaco migration left in the species' range. Like the previous purchase, this land will be marked with signage and monitored by local authorities.

“The collaboration of all the parties involved marks a milestone for La Payunia, the largest natural protected area in Mendoza and one of the largest in Patagonia, by preserving its natural and cultural heritage in perpetuity,” said Undersecretary of Environment of Mendoza Sebastián Melchor. 

The Minister of Energy and Environment of the Province, Jimena Latorre, highlighted that this expansion of the public area strengthens Payunia's candidacy as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This would bolster the area as a tourist destination and provide new employment opportunities.

The generous contributions from Greater Good Charities and were supported by Living Future.

our ongoing commitment

At Greater Good Charities, we are proud of our ongoing commitment to environmental and habitat conservation. This project in Argentina culminated in partnerships that span decades, but the work continues. We are passionate about protecting biodiversity, saving endangered species, and providing community education worldwide to make a better future together. 

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.