Stories of Good

Oregon Humane Continues to Spread GOOD!

Written by ellie | Mar 29 2021

As we know it, 2020 has taken so much and given so little, ultimately urging communities to unite now more than ever before. Oregon Humane Society, one of our trusted Pet Food Bank partners, continues to carry out intentions of spreading this unified GOOD! In addition to the food used within their organization, the majority of the food was distributed in 29 counties throughout Oregon. These generous donations made an impact on many lives – feeding pets and giving their owners one less thing to worry about.

A long-time volunteer at Oregon HS shared: “Some people wore their struggles openly, their cars packed with their belongings and held together with duct tape. It was these ones who seemed a little shyer than the rest, barely able to ask for what they needed. It was these ones who nearly burst into tears when they saw the bags of food and litter headed their way.”

Photo © Oregon Humane Society

Though it was inevitable that these GGC donations would touch lives affected by COVID-19, they also helped this one small life: a cat named Barry. Barry Manilow came to Oregon Humane as a rescue from a hoarding case. He suffered from extreme pododermatitis, commonly known as “pillow foot.” It was obvious he’d been living in unsanitary conditions because his paw pads were swollen, raw and bloody.

Barry was placed in a foster home for treatment before he could be put up for adoption. Foster parents are provided with food and supplies for their foster pet, which is more often than not donated to the shelter and, due the pandemic, donations are nearly non-existent now. This benevolent donation from Greater Good Charities has been so crucial for struggling pet owners and foster parents who are willing to help abused animals like Barry.

Shortly after the end of his treatment, Barry Manilow returned to the shelter and was adopted by his new family! He now gets daily treats and all the love he deserves.