Stories of Good

Thank YOU for Providing Three Black Rhinos With Emergency Medical Care!

Written by GGC | Dec 28 2017

From 1970 to 1995, the population of black rhinos declined by 96%, from around 70,000 individuals to just 2,410. Today, there are just over 5,000 individuals. This small but vital increase is thanks to people like YOU who support conservation programs across Africa.

One such conservation program is the Association of Private Land Rhino Sanctuaries (APLRS) Emergency Fund, which enables member conservancies in Kenya to respond to poaching threats or emergencies for black rhinos. Project Peril, a program of Greater Good Charities, is supporting Save the Rhino International with the APLRS Emergency Fund.



Thanks to YOU, we’ve provided critical funds to the Emergency Fund to help provide emergency veterinary care for three critically endangered black rhinos: Meimei, Kitui and Kati’s calf.

Photo Credit: Save the Rhino International

Meimei, a black rhino calf, was born blind and had to be rescued to be hand-reared. Her treatment required extensive veterinary care, with gallons of milk and supplements to aid her growth and recovery. Thanks to the excellent care she received, the infection that caused the blindness has now gone, and Meimei has fully regained her eyesight! As she grows, she will gain confidence, and there is every hope that she will be able to be successfully released back into the wild.

Photo Credit: Ol Jogi Game Reserve

Kitui, another black rhino calf, was born in March 2015 to a blind mother who abandoned him one week after birth. He was rescued to be hand-reared to ensure he grows into a healthy and strong rhino male. Kitui is now two years old but still loves his bottle of milk. He’s still not big enough to be outside on his own, as he can be easy prey for a larger predator. However, once he is fully weaned and old enough, he will be released back into the wild.

Kitui and his keeper Isaiah.

Photo Credit: Save the Rhino International

Increased security and high-quality veterinary care have saved countless black rhinos lives like Kitui and Meimei. With so few black rhinos left, each black rhino life saved is invaluable. We need your ongoing help to support these expensive but vital programs.

You can make all the difference for the endangered black rhino.