Stories of Good

World Elephant Day 2019

Written by GGC | Aug 12 2019

Did you know that only 40,000 Asian elephants remain worldwide? That’s less than a tenth of the already vulnerable African elephant population. World Elephant Day was first launched in 2012 to bring attention to this urgent plight of Asian and African elephants.

Located in the most densely populated countries in the world, their natural habitats are rapidly disappearing to urban development. Greater Good Charities' Project Peril works with organizations like International Elephant Foundation and Fauna & Flora International to save these species.

In the past, your donations have helped elephants like Sarai Mia who was torn from her mother at a young age and was forced to do hard labor in Thailand. She was able to take refugee at Elephant Nature Park.

At the Elephant Nature Park elephants are allowed to simply be elephants. They are not forced to work or entertain tourists. Sanctuary volunteers and staff provide food, care, and shelter for these gentle giants rescued from logging slavery and street begging.

Donate to save elephants from poachers here.