Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, millions of families have fled to neighboring countries. Countless homes have been destroyed by shelling, and many who stayed live in buildings without electricity, water, and access to basic necessities.
Temperatures are dropping below freezing, people in destroyed villages are without electricity, and it’s impossible to walk around outside without fear of missile attacks. YOU can send a Winter Relief Kit filled with a warm blanket and toiletries to a Ukrainian family in need. Donate now to help the people of Ukraine.

For just $50, you can provide a Winter Relief Kit filled with hygiene products such as soap and toilet paper, meals, a blanket, pet food, and more.
As the war rages on, donations to relief efforts have dwindled around the globe. Meanwhile, the need persists.
- Established a network of warehouses to distribute aid.
- Procured food, humanitarian supplies, veterinary medicine, medical care supplies, toys, and other enrichment items.
- Distributed relief kits containing relief supplies for families.
- Purchased pet food for animal shelters in need.
- Produced tote bags to hold supplies and meal kits.
- Granted funding to partners to cover operational expenses.
Your donation is a beacon of hope during this time of great need. Give today.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
Send checks to:
Greater Good Charities
C/O: Accounting
301 Union Street #21308
Seattle, WA 98111 US