Tiny Amanda (pictured above) was bred by a Pitbull dad and a Yorkie mom. The mom was rushed into emergency medical care when she was in labor, as Amanda was too big for her to birth naturally. The surgery was a success, but the owners didn't want Amanda and left her at the shelter.
Amanda and other babies depend on milk replacer to grow big and strong, but this nutrient-rich replacement for a mother’s milk comes at a high cost, without which, they would struggle to survive. Puppies in animal shelters just like Amanda need YOU! Help send milk replacer, giving these infants the nutrition they need to grow big and strong!

Often litters of puppies without homes are separated from their mothers, putting them in jeopardy at the most critical point in their development. Animal shelters and rescues depend on milk replacer to help these babies grow big and strong, but this nutrient-rich replacement for a mother’s milk is costly.
You can help by providing bottles of milk replacer to baby animals in need. Just $1 can ship $40 worth of nourishing milk replacer to a puppy deserving of a happy healthy life. Give today!
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
Send checks to:
Greater Good Charities
C/O: Accounting
PMB 138
1700 7th Ave., Suite 116
Seattle, WA 98101