Help Keep Pets Out of Shelters and in Homes
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Imagine you are a homeless dog or cat, waiting for a forever home in a shelter. You are scared, surrounded by unfamiliar smells and sounds and by other pets. You might be in this situation for days or weeks. 

After a record number of adoptions and fosters in 2020, shelters are reporting unprecedented overpopulation. Driven by a decrease in adoptions, decrease in animal transfer, and increase in length of stay, many shelters all over the country are above capacity.

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Every homeless pet deserves a good home

Greater Good Charities believes fostering pets is a key solution to the animal shelter overpopulation issue and finding at-risk pets forever homes. Good Home, a newly launched program, connects qualified pet foster volunteers with animal shelters across the U.S. Fostering a pet helps free up personnel and physical resources at animal shelters while providing a shelter pet with a nurturing environment to live in, while awaiting a forever home.

Now, imagine you are a homeless dog or cat, waiting for a forever loving home in a Good Home. You spend your days relaxing, napping, playing and interacting with loving humans who help place you with adopters who will care for you for your whole life.  

You can help! Your gift will make this a reality for pets in need, by supporting our efforts to recruit pet foster volunteers and match them with animal shelters looking for help.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.

Giving with confidence

Greater Good Charities has a Four-Star rating on Charity Navigator and a Platinum Seal on GuideStar for our dedication to transparency and real positive impact.

Send checks to:
Greater Good Charities
C/O: Accounting
PMB 138
1700 7th Ave., Suite 116
Seattle, WA 98101