Over the past three decades, Asian Elephant populations have declined by at least 50%. Many Asian elephants are forced into captivity, poached for their tusks, and are rapidly losing their habitat due to deforestation.
You can help us protect Asian elephants this giving season. Your generous holiday gift will support our work to secure habitat for elephants, reduce human-elephant conflicts, and halt the ivory trade.

Throughout Asia, elephants need your help. These highly intelligent, social, and sensitive creatures are facing a painful loss of habitat. Due to hundreds of years of deforestation and human encroachment, the Asian Elephant has lost almost two-thirds of their natural habitat resulting in a population decline of at least 50%. Many Asian elephants are forced into captivity, where they spend their days chained and forced to work in the logging, trekking, and tourism industries.
Much of this tragedy is due to human population growth. Weighing over 11,000 pounds, these gigantic creatures need a lot of room to roam and plants to eat. As deforestation and agriculture destroy their natural habitat, elephants increasingly find themselves in conflict with humans—leading to hundreds of human and elephant deaths every year. Elephants are also a major target for poachers, who kill them for their ivory tusk, meat, and hides.
You can help us protect Asian elephants. Your tax-deductible $50 gift will protect an elephant by securing habitats for elephants, reduce human-elephant conflicts, and halt the ivory trade.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
Send checks to:
Greater Good Charities
C/O: Accounting
PMB 138
1700 7th Ave., Suite 116
Seattle, WA 98101