Imagine the terror of living in an abusive environment, fearing for your life and the safety of your children and pets. Sadly, this is a harsh reality for too many individuals.
An estimated 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience some form of domestic abuse in their lifetimes. For these survivors who own pets, nearly 71% report that their abusers have threatened, injured, or killed their pets.
For these survivors, one heart-wrenching dilemma stands in the way of their escape: the lack of safe accommodations for their pets. Tragically, fewer than 1 in 5 domestic violence shelters provide pet-friendly services, forcing 48% of survivors to make a choice no one should ever face - leave their abusive environment behind, but abandon their pets or remain in danger together.

With your help, we can keep victims of domestic violence and their pets together.
The Greater Good Charities Rescue Rebuild program reimagines shelters for survivors of domestic abuse, renovating and transforming domestic violence shelters to provide safe, inviting places for survivors and their pets.
Will you help us provide safety for survivors of domestic violence and their pets?
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.
Send checks to:
Greater Good Charities
C/O: Accounting
PMB 138
1700 7th Ave., Suite 116
Seattle, WA 98101