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Ukraine Crisis: Help Pets in Need

Since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, people have fled for safety, often with no choice but to abandon their beloved pets as their only means of escape. 

These orphaned pets exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, placing a significant burden on already strained local resources and community resilience. The pets themselves, suffer the trauma of war including hunger, disease, and psychological trauma—further compounded by the lack of access to aid, veterinary care, and shelter in these removed and devastated areas. As the conflict continues, adoptions are waning, and shelters are over capacity.

Urgent help is needed to send aid to pets in Ukraine.

Send aid to pets displaced by the conflict in Ukraine

Greater Good Charities has been on the ground since the beginning of the war and has established a distribution network to move large quantities of pet food directly to the people and pets who need it. We're shipping in food at a cost of $.10/meal and we have requests for hundreds of tons each month. Additionally, we have helped evacuate pets, provided veterinary care, and outdoor shelters to protect orphaned animals from the environments. 

Thanks to your support: 

  • 868,390 pets have been supported with tens of millions of meals provided.
  • Thousands of cats and dogs have been spayed, neutered, and received veterinary care.
  • Hundreds of shelters have been provided to protect orphaned pets from the elements
  • We set up feeding stations for starving street animals without access to food and water

Displaced Ukrainian animal shelters and pets need you now. Your support will provide aid to pets affected by the Ukraine crisis, giving relief to their families and those caring for them. Donate now to provide lifesaving aid to pets in need.


Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.

Giving with confidence

Greater Good Charities has a Four-Star rating on Charity Navigator and a Platinum Seal on GuideStar for our dedication to transparency and real positive impact.

Send checks to:
Greater Good Charities
C/O: Accounting
PMB 138
1700 7th Ave., Suite 116
Seattle, WA 98101