Stories of Good

Reusable Period Pad Program Supports Educational Growth in Malawi

Written by Brittany John | Jun 4 2021

High school dropout rates among Malawian girls are alarmingly high. Unfortunately, this is often attributed to disturbance in their menstrual health. The lack of tools for proper sanitary hygiene can lead to girls missing nearly a week of school each month. As you can imagine, these girls feel unsafe and uncomfortable learning when they are continually checking if they soiled their clothing or feeling embarrassed when their makeshift pads are exposed.

That’s why we are thrilled to share an update on the Tina Pads program! Tina Pads was recently able to pay for yards of pad fabric and employed multiple tailors. As a result of your donations, Tina Pads manufactured 7,525 and distributed 1,075 pads kits in 2020. This will last the Malawian girls at least two-three years, giving them peace of mind while in class!

Photo © Flame Tree Initiative

Girls in Mzimba who have received these pads exclaim that the gift of the pad kits has remarkably reduced their stress. They are no longer concerned and distracted while in class. Martha, one recipient of a pad kit, expressed her relief from using proper pads, as she used to use makeshift rugs as pads on her period: “It was very uncomfortable as I had to always watch it if it’s not falling off. With these pads with snaps, and waterproof as you have mentioned, my dilemma is over. Going to school on a period day always proved a huge task and I dreaded such days”.


Check out this video of Trinitas Kunashe, the founder of Tina Pads, explaining how her period-poverty project is changing the lives of low-income Malawian girls

Your donations allowed 1,075 girls to continue their studies in Malawi safely and comfortably. And you can help keep even more girls in school! Your gift of just $7 provides sanitary supplies to one schoolgirl for five years and improves their likelihood of completing secondary school.