Stories of Good

Humane Indiana: Safeguarding Wildlife with Greater Good Charities' Support

Written by GGC | Aug 23 2024

In Indiana, there are very few places to take an injured or orphaned wild animal. Humane Indiana preserves and protects native wildlife across more than 26 counties. By providing year-round rescue and rehabilitation services, this organization saves the lives of thousands of wild animals. However, the cost of these essential services is significant. To ensure that Humane Indiana can continue its vital work, Greater Good Charities has stepped in to assist with the construction and repair of wildlife enclosures, allowing the center to focus on what it does best—saving animals.

Building Wildlife Enclosures

When constructing wildlife enclosures, it’s critical to design them with the animals' well-being in mind. The primary goal is to create an environment that closely mimics their natural habitat, ensuring a smoother transition when they are ready to return to the wild. Key factors include:

  • Safety and Security: The enclosures must offer a secure space where animals feel safe. This minimizes stress and prevents agitation, which can hinder their rehabilitation.
  • Natural Integration: The structures should closely emulate the animals' natural surroundings. This approach helps them adapt more easily to life in the wild once they are released.
  • Stress Reduction: Stress can impede an animal's recovery, increasing susceptibility to disease and slowing down the healing process. By providing a calm, secure environment, the enclosures support faster and more effective rehabilitation.

Humane Indiana's commitment to these principles ensures that animals in their care receive the best possible support, helping them recover and reintegrate into their natural habitats.


Wildlife Impact

Since the beginning of 2024, Humane Indiana has admitted more than 2,150 animals, representing 148 different species.

One of these animals that was rescued was a young, displaced beaver kit (a.k.a. a baby beaver). He decided to stop in at Caribbean Roots restaurant in Gary, Indiana, presumably hoping for some food. Restaurant staffers knew the baby was far from home and needed help, so they called Humane Indiana.

Upon arrival, the beaver was thoroughly examined and found to be uninjured. He received medical care and was placed in an enclosure next to another young beaver kit. Beavers are social creatures, and if they show no signs of aggression, they can be housed together until they are both healthy enough to be released back into the wild.

You Can Help

Wildlife centers like Humane Indiana often must stretch a small budget as far as possible. In many cases, these centers may be the only location available for medical care and rehabilitation for local wildlife. Our Rescue Rebuild team is committed to helping aid these organizations by building new structures, repairing existing structures, and providing aid to see them thrive. You can help this important mission to save wildlife.


Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.