Ukraine's Bees Need YOU
Over the past year, tens of thousands of bee colonies have been destroyed due to the impact of the war, and now more bees are at risk due to massive flooding in ukraine.
Bees in Ukraine play a crucial part in pollinating important crops grown in Ukraine like sunflowers and sunflower products, which are exported across the globe. When the bees in Ukraine suffer, it impacts people everywhere. YOU can help by sending sugar, pollen replacement, and queen bees with your donation today!

Colonies in Ukraine have been damaged by flooding, and many bees have lost their queens. A Queen Bee is the mother of the colony she rules, having produced most of the bees that live in her hive. Without the Queen, there would not be a colony. Will you help provide Queens, along with sugar and pollen replacement, to colonies in need?

why save ukraine's bees?
Bees provide critical pollination to crops, and honey production is a major industry in Ukraine. In fact, the country is one of the five largest producers of honey in the world.
Both issues are integral to the country's long-term food security and economy and the overall health of the global food chain. Many Ukrainian beekeepers had to flee their homes and abandon their hives, which were eventually destroyed by Varroa mites or the impact of munitions, rockets, and chemicals. Furthermore, beekeeper equipment in those areas was left in ruin. There is now concern about the viability of the surviving forage and whether it will produce the bulbs needed to feed the bees.

With just $9,
you can make a difference for Ukraine's bees and beekeepers
$9 purchases a Queen Bee for a local beekeeper, aiding in the recovery of their bee colony.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.