Ukraine crisis response
Ukraine crisis response
Greater Good Charities is committed to long-term support in Ukraine for the people, pets, and planet most impacted by the war, and your support is serving as a beacon of hope.
It has been two years since Russia started a war with neighboring Ukraine, invading the country on several fronts, attacking civilian targets, and perpetrating large scale destruction. Millions of people, many with pets, frantically fled Ukraine while millions of more people remain displaced or stranded at home in the war-torn country.
Since the beginning of the war, Greater Good Charities has provided critical funding and support to help with the immediate needs of the people and pets of Ukraine. This includes refugees fleeing the country, direct support of IDPs (internally displaced persons) or people remaining in Ukraine.
We have also sent critically needed supplies such as Good Packs with survival and comfort items, toys, and medical supplies to organizations in Ukraine and those helping refugees in neighboring countries. Greater Good Charities’ ground team has provided direct support to fleeing citizens and their pets, including veterinary care at border crossings.
To date, Greater Good Charities disaster response has provided more than 11 million meals to the people impacted by the crisis in Ukraine. Greater Good Charities has funded over 9.5 million meals for Ukrainians via local partners and food banks and directly distributed over 1.6 million meals by team members on the ground in the war-torn country. Along with humanitarian needs, Greater Good Charities is also providing more than 31.6 million pet meals to pet parents, animal shelters and stray animals.
In 2023, we expanded efforts for beekeepers in Ukraine, winterized more than 120 animal shelters in Ukraine to help shelter pets during the cold winter months, distributed 3,000 Winter Relief Kits with food and supplies, and deployed specially trained high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter (HQHVSN) surgical team to Western Ukraine to humanly control the community pet overpopulation in war-torn communities that have seen an uptick in the dog and cat populations since the Russian invasion began.
As the war continues to rage on in its third year, we are committed to the long-term support of IDPs and Ukrainians at-home in places that are in contested or liberated areas. We will also continue to build on our efforts to help the beekeepers of Ukraine since bees play a critical role in the natural ecosystems and human food production but face threats of significant loss in Ukraine. In our most recent on the ground efforts, Greater Good Charities team of veterinary experts and volunteers sterilized and provided wellness care for more than 750 community dogs and cats in Ukraine.
December 26, 2024 UPDATE:
Throughout the war, Ukrainian authorities have continued to report devastating missile strikes by Russia on key healthcare facilities, including a children’s and maternity hospitals. These attacks left buildings in ruins and windows shattered, forcing medical staff to care for patients amidst the debris.
These tragedies highlight one of the many consequences of war – the destruction of buildings and homes where people must continue to live and work. Windows create a particular danger; first when they shatter from an explosion and then when they leave buildings and homes without protection from the elements.
One dedicated non-profit group, Insulate Ukraine, provides temporary, shatterproof windows to impacted homes and buildings like hospitals to help protect those in areas prone to frequent shelling. Greater Good Charities is proud to support this mission.
December 13, 2024 UPDATE:
Avdiivka, a Ukrainian city currently engulfed in ongoing battles, received Greater Good Charities Winter Relief Packs thanks to the heroism of local volunteers and field workers.
One of those brave volunteers relayed this story to us, giving hope to those experiencing the darkest winter of their lives.
Photo © United for Animals
November 12, 2024 UPDATE:
Recently, we’ve been working to distribute hygiene kits filled with essential items like soap, toothbrushes, detergent, and towels. In times of war and uncertainty, simply having the ability to wash your clothes can be a huge step towards returning to normalcy. We are so grateful that, with your support, we are able to provide these vital supplies to victims of war.
October 23, 2024 UPDATE:
As the war in Ukraine continues, we are committed to providing aid where needed most. Hygiene Kits contain essential items that are often overlooked for vulnerable communities. Due to the ongoing war, many regions face severe resource shortages and supply chain disruptions, making it difficult for people to access hygiene supplies. Recently, Greater Good Charities partnered with DTCare to provide these critical supplies for people and families in Ukraine.
August 30, 2024 UPDATE:
As the conflict intensifies in Ukraine, families are making desperate attempts to evacuate. The ongoing violence has forced many to leave their homes, often with only the essentials, including their beloved pets. In response to this crisis, Greater Good Charities has joined forces with United for Animals to aid in the safe evacuation of these families and their animals.
August 5, 2024 UPDATE:
Thanks to generous donors, Greater Good Charities recently awarded a significant grant to one of our partners in Ukraine.
This grant helped our partner to aid orphaned pets through three key initiatives: providing emergency aid, supplying nutritious pet food regularly to those caring for the orphaned animals, and making deliveries faster and more efficient.
July 17, 2024 UPDATE:
Due to constant shelling windows have been blown out of many homes, hospitals, businesses, and public buildings. This causes safety concerns, as well as, utility costs skyrocketing and temperature dysregulation in the hot summer and cold winters. Greater Good Charities has partnered with Insulate Ukraine to begin installing temporary window replacements, meant to keep temperatures regulated, let light in, keep utility costs in check, and let Ukrainians live in their homes again comfortably.
June 24, 2024 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities is providing pet food and aid to the residents of Kramatorsk, Ukraine, who are coming together to care for abandoned pets amidst the ongoing conflict. Due to the war, many pets were abandoned by their owners when fleeing the bombing, and volunteers who stayed behind are doing their best to provide for these innocent animals.
Read about our work in Kramatorsk here.
June 7, 2024 UPDATE:
Since the war began in Ukraine, Greater Good Charities has delivered truckloads of pet food to shelters and individuals dedicated to caring for orphaned pets. Efforts have spanned across Ukraine, including the southern seaside city of Odessa.
Despite the daily horrors of living in a war zone, a band of compassionate elderly citizens has chosen to stay and protect thousands of stray cats and dogs left behind.
They are the Grandmothers of Odessa.
April 8, 2024 UPDATE:
The frontlines of the ongoing war in Ukraine are moving.
As communities are under siege, families are fleeing to safety and have no other choice but to leave their pets behind. Greater Good Charities is partnering with Patron Pet Center to deploy evacuation teams to rescue abandoned cats and dogs.
Read more about these incredible pet evacuations.
April 01, 2024 UPDATE:
This little guy is named Trofim. He was found paralyzed near the front lines in Kherson, Ukraine, and brought by the military to our friend Elena at Animals SOS Odessa.
This amazing group is also helping dogs like Pretty, who was shot in the face. No one thought this girl would survive, but various operations and treatments saved her life! Pretty is doing well and learning to trust humans every day thanks to loving people caring for her.
Our Field Operations team met Trofim and Pretty while visiting Animals SOS recently. Elena, founder of this organization, also serves as a regional coordinator for pet food distribution for our partners at United for Animals and U-Hearts Foundation.
With Greater Good Charities' support, Elena and team distribute 6-8 tons of pet food monthly to around 50 shelters and 300 volunteers who feed stray animals in Ukraine.
March 31, 2024 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities' Field Operations team spent a day visiting animal shelters in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine.
In the early days of the war, this area was occupied and hit with constant shelling and missile attacks. Many people evacuated and were forced to leave their animals behind, so shelters were and remain overwhelmed.
With the help of your donations, we've been working to support these groups and the pets in their care. Our partners at U-Hearts Foundation have been instrumental in distributing much-needed pet food. Plus, during the freezing winter, we provided these shelters with dog houses, straw, wood and more to help keep animals safe and warm.
March 30, 2024 Part 2 UPDATE:
Sergey was the first beekeeper we met with in Ukraine back in January 2023, during our initial assessment for our bee relief efforts. At that time, Sergey showed us his destroyed hives—of the 90 he had pre-invasion, only four survived.
We helped Sergey as much as possible, providing him with bee packages, sugar, pollen and medicine to restart his beekeeping business. He now has 40 hives (and growing) and donates honey to his community!
Seeing Sergey again, this time in high spirits, was a wonderful change from our first visit with him when his losses were fresh. We're so proud to be able to change lives like his for the better, and we couldn't do it without our incredible donors.
March 30, 2024 Part 1 UPDATE:
Our Field Ops team spent a moving day meeting with several of the 120 beekeepers who benefitted from Greater Good Charities' assistance last year.
These stories highlight the significant impact of the ongoing work our donors help us accomplish. This project not only supports bees and the ecosystem, ensuring food security, but also plays a vital economic role for beekeepers who have lost so much to the war, giving them hope above all.
Here are three of these incredible stories!
When their village was occupied, Olesya, Vadim and their two young children hid for weeks in a small underground shelter. Despite the freezing cold, and they dared not heat the place for fear of being found. Eventually they evacuated, leaving their home and beehives behind.
When the family returned nearly a year later, all had been destroyed by shelling. Fortunately, Greater Good Charities was able to provide Olesya and Vadim with bee packages, pollen, sugar and medicine so they could restart their colonies. Now, they have 80 hives that produce tons of honey per season!
Tatiana became a beekeeper 20 years ago. Beekeeping provides not just an income for her, but a certain therapy helping her through her husband's death and, now, trauma from the war.
Tatiana lost her hives in a direct missile attack when her village was on the front lines. She showed our team the burnt remnants of her property, then her friend’s plot of land where she maintains her new apiary.
Last year, we provided Tatiana with beekeeping supplies, helping her return to honey production and expand her colonies.
Before the full-scale invasion, Oleksander had 180 beehives which supported his family. When their hives were destroyed, like so many others', Oleksander built new ones himself. Thanks to the supplies and support we were able to provide, he not only produced four tons of honey last year but also doubled his bee colonies.
March 29, 2024 UPDATE:
While traveling through Ukraine, Greater Good Charities' Field Operations team met with Artem. He participated in the Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers’ program to engage vets in beekeeping. With support from a local mentor, Artem learned how to care for bees and produce honey, and says it's been helpful not only to bring in income, but also provides him with therapeutic healing.
Next, the team met with Yohan, a young man who has been keeping bees with his father since long before the war. When both were called to the frontlines, they feared losing their hives to neglect. Fortunately, kind neighbors took care of their apiaries and Greater Good Charities provided food and medicine to help. Yohan and his father are extremely grateful for the support!
To end the day, we met with Mykola, an internally displaced beekeeper from the Kherson region who lost all 300 of his hives due to the occupation. Last May, we supported him with bee packages, food, medicine and equipment to help him restore his business.
© Greater Good Charities
With the help of your donations, beekeepers like Artem, Yohan and Mykola have been able to maintain or restore their beekeeping businesses.
March 27, 2024 UPDATE:
Our Field Operations team met five beekeepers living and working in the Kharkiv region. First was Viktor, whose home was destroyed by shelling, forcing him to evacuate and leave his hives behind. Originally owning 100, on which he depended for much of his income, Viktor has been left with just 12.
Next, was Fedri, who was forced to shelter in his basement for nearly three weeks before evacuating. Upon returning to his home, he found 90% of his hives and all of his equipment destroyed.
Next, the team met Ludmila. She and her son had 600 beehives, with beekeeping and honey production making up the family's primary source of income. Only 20 of these hives have survived.
Yuriy is a beekeeper who suffered the loss not only of his hives, but his home and small farm.
The final meeting was with Victor, who used to transport his bees to pollinate local farmers' crops each season. All his hives have died in the conflict.
© Greater Good Charities
As you can see, the loss of bees in this region has been massive due to the devastation of fields, crops and forests, the introduction of toxic substances and a lack of food. Local ecosystems and economies alike are suffering. Greater Good Charities remains committed to helping beekeepers like Viktor, Fedri, Ludmila, Yuriy and Victor in Ukraine.
March 26, 2024 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities Field Ops team met with Tetyana from the Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers, with whom we partnered with last year to support beekeepers in the Mykolaiv region.
Tetyana introduced the team to other officials to discuss the issue of qualification training for veterans within the framework of "Help on Bee Wings." This program would provide them with the foundations of the beekeeping profession for the creation and maintenance of their own micro-apiaries, or collections of beehives.
Next our team met with Borys, who owns a research rooftop apiary. He explained how it works and the research he's conducted with it, as well as the differences required in its upkeep during peace- and wartime.
As we remain committed to supporting bees and beekeepers in Ukraine, we're establishing and developing relationships with likeminded organizations, because it's only together that we can amplify the good.
March 24, 2024 UPDATE:
During their ongoing tour through Ukraine, Greater Good Charities' Field Operations team visited Sirius Shelter, the largest shelter in Ukraine, which houses about 3,000 animals.
With so many mouths to feed, Sirius's needs are enormous, and they make very limited resources go a long way. But fortunately, we were there to help.
Our team immediately reached out to United for Animals—long-time partners in our pet food distribution efforts—and five tons of dog food were set to ship to Sirius Shelter the very next day. Moving forward, your donations will allow us to provide regular support to Sirius!
This will help save the lives of dogs like Lady, who was found with a serious head and mouth injury. She underwent surgery, leaving a permanent bump on her face but a heart of gold. Lady is eagerly awaiting a family to call her own.
March 23, 2024 UPDATE:
Our Field Operations team recently visited our partners at Patron Pet Center (PPC) on their travels in Ukraine to see how they've been putting Greater Good Charities support to use and where we can meet unaddressed needs. Here they met Klin, Smiles and many other pets on a tour of the shelter.
Klin was one of 20 animals recently rescued from Sumy, Ukraine, and brought to PPC where she'll get the proper medical care and nutrition she needs.
This curious pup Smiles was found on the streets of Odessa with a mouth deformity. He has since had surgery, healed well and is currently looking for a new loving home!
© Greater Good Charities
March 22, 2024 UPDATE:
On their travels in Ukraine, our Field Operations team next visited two shelters in the Kyiv region to whom we've provided pet food and supplies since the area was liberated. These shelters also received dog houses as part of our winter relief project.
While visiting, the GGC team also met with a coordinator for United for Animals (UFA), whose partnership has been critical to our animal welfare efforts. UFA has established warehouses from which food is distributed to hungry pets.
March 20, 2024 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities' Field Operations team is currently traveling throughout Ukraine to meet with partners; visit shelters, warehouses and other aid organizations; and hear firsthand accounts to better determine how we can expand our support for people and pets in need.
Last year, Greater Good Charities distributed hundreds of bee packages (queen bee and colony) to Ukrainian beekeepers who lost their apiaries due to the war. This work allows us not only to directly support affected beekeepers, but also breeders like Yuriy.
© Greater Good Charities
March 08, 2024 UPDATE:

© United for Animals
February 26, 2024 UPDATE:

© Greater Good Charities
February 23, 2024 UPDATE:

© Oro Whitley
February 21, 2024 UPDATE:

© U-Hearts / Greater Good Charities
February 08, 2024 UPDATE:

© Oro Whitley
February 06, 2024 UPDATE:

© United for Animals
February 01, 2024 UPDATE:

© Greater Good Charities
January 29, 2024 UPDATE:

© United for Animals
December 14, 2023 UPDATE:

© Home of Rescued Animals
When Ukrainians fled the bombing, many were forced to leave their pets behind because trains did not accept animals, and fleeing by vehicle was often not an option as bridges and roads had been destroyed. The animals that were abandoned no longer had a home or a family and were left to roam the streets, struggling to find food to survive.
Many Ukrainians who stayed behind worked hard to provide shelter and food for these orphans of war, but the challenges have been mounting as they themselves are struggling to find shelter and food to survive the bone-chilling cold of winter. Additionally, the sterilization of pets was not widely practiced in Ukraine before the invasion, and with the population of stray pets increasing, the need for food has become even more dire.
Read more about Adele's story and how we help animals affected by war on our blog.
December 11, 2023 UPDATE:
The food insecurity for both people and pets is so intense that often as soon as food is delivered, it’s quickly depleted, and our partners are anxiously awaiting the next delivery so they can supply those in need. Thanks to the support of sponsors and donors, the deliveries continue.

© Greater Good Charities
We are excited to be able to give you a behind the scenes look at the work we have been doing, thanks to your generous donations.
After full scale invasion, Greater Good Charities supported not only refugees, but also, internally displaced people in Ukraine and we continue to support people living in contested areas. To date, some of the aid we have provided includes:
- Over 16,000 relief boxes
- Over 11 million meals
- Over 40,000 blankets
- Over 31.6 million pet meals
- 56 Water tanks — supplying 15,000 people with clean drinking water
- 8,000 hygiene kits
- 20,000 pounds of bee pollen
- More than 500 queen bees and 500 hives
Read more on our blog on the impact made in Ukraine.
November 21, 2023 UPDATE:
November 07, 2023 UPDATE:
This woman Lilia has fed her neighborhood cats for years, and the war in Ukraine hasn't stopped her. She devotes her energy to helping animals, but between the 14 permanent feline residents in her yard, and all the strays who come and go, Lilia has many mouths to feed. That's why the support she receives from Greater Good Charities and our partners at United for Animals (UFA) is so important.

© United for Animals

November 02, 2023 UPDATE:
Lysychka’s and Izumka’s Stories:
This pup Lysychka and cat Izumka are two of many pets in Ukraine benefitting daily from Greater Good Charities’ support.

© U-Hearts Foundation
Days later, another volunteer was on a walk when her German shepherd suddenly rushed into the forest. Her dog started bringing back puppies one by one—Lysychka's babies with Lysychka not far behind!

Izumka the cat arrived at a shelter in central Ukraine with a horrible wound to her ear from shelling. She fled from the ruins of a building and happened to fall into caring hands, who helped her heal thanks in part to Greater Good Charities pet food donations. Now, Izumka has found a new loving family!

© United for Animals
September-October, 2023 UPDATE:
One of these is Laura. Many years ago, she created a hospice shelter in southern Ukraine for old and terminally ill animals, those abandoned, wounded or subjected to cruelty. These pets need extra daily care and attention, and Laura is happy to provide it, along with an outpouring of love and hope.

© U-Hearts Foundation

© U-Hearts Foundation

© United for Animals

© United for Animals

© Oro Whitley
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© Oro Whitley
August 09, 2023 UPDATE:
The conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, with families, children and pets increasingly falling victim to the violence and destruction.
© Oro Whitley
In recent days, Russian missile attacks destroyed an apartment building and at least two warehouses, including one containing GGC food boxes destined for those in greatest need.
© Oro Whitley
With donor support, we're working to send new food boxes to the area, ensuring families and pets get the food and support they so desperately need.
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August 03, 2023 UPDATE:
Honey is a major export for Ukraine. But that industry has been crippled by war. Beekeepers have had to flee their homes and abandon their hives which have fallen into disarray.
© Greater Good Charities
To support the beekeepers in Ukraine, Greater Good Charities has teamed up with the Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers, Mann Lake and TRIWA to provide critical resources to beekeepers to help support them through the end of their beekeeping season in September.
© Greater Good Charities
With your help, Greater Good Charities has distributed more than 20,000 pounds of bee pollen substitute and 97,000 pounds of sugar to Ukrainian beekeepers in the region of Mykolaiv Oblast, which is a major sunflower growing region.
We’ve also distributed more than 500 queen bees and 500 hives to help Ukrainian beekeepers replenish the colonies that have been destroyed and provided vaccines to protect new colonies from disease.
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July 11, 2023 UPDATE:
Last week the GGC team was on the ground in one of the villages where our partner, British Expeditionary Aid & Rescue (BEAR,) has been delivering clean drinking water solutions to approximately 15,000 residents in the area.

© Greater Good Charities
With your support, GGC has funded the installation of 56 1,000-liter water tanks. To date, 32 of them have been delivered, with the rest due for installation in the coming weeks.
© Greater Good Charities
The BEAR team has been delivering tens of thousands of liters of drinking water every week to provide ongoing access to clean water to villages like this one. BEAR will also be including GGC-funded self-sufficiency kits and training to enable villages to monitor their own drinking water supply and replenish as needed.
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July 05, 2023 UPDATE:
We are currently in the first stages of this effort and have thus far installed 26 of these tanks in affected villages. The BEAR team is training relevant people in each village/community to operate the equipment themselves moving forward. They will then provide kits enabling local communities to become self-sufficient and assure that local leadership is able to monitor supplies and provide water to the village at their own capacity.
© Oro Whitley
A donation of just $20 provides one person with over four months’ worth of clean drinking water. Through this critical effort, made possible by the generosity of our donors and supporters, we are regularly providing fresh water to a population of nearly 15,000, a number that will continue to grow as additional tanks are installed.
© Oro Whitley
As you can see, while teams on the ground work to set up these tanks, and teach locals how to maintain them, they're also helping feed pets in need.
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June 30, 2023 UPDATE:
In the aftermath of the Nova Kakhovka dam collapse, affected communities require aid to access clean drinking water. Fresh water is crucial for addressing the immediate needs of the population and preventing waterborne diseases.
© British Expeditionary Aid and Rescue
Greater Good Charities has partnered with BEAR (British Expeditionary Aid and Rescue) to deploy 30 self-sufficient water kits and deliver 56 1,000L water barrels to support communities.
© British Expeditionary Aid and Rescue
We are currently in Stage 1 of this effort, and have thus far installed 26 of these tanks in 22 villages. The BEAR team is providing training to the relevant people in each village/community to operate the equipment themselves moving forward. They will then provide kits enabling local communities to become self-sufficient. Each kit will assure that the local leader is able to deliver water to the village at their own capacity.
A donation of just $20 provides one person with over four months’ worth of clean drinking water. Through this critical effort, made possible by the generosity of our donors and supporters, we are regularly providing fresh water to approximately 15,000 people in the region.
© British Expeditionary Aid and Rescue
June 21, 2023 UPDATE:
After assessing need on the ground in the wake of the Nova Kakhovka dam collapse in Ukraine, our Disaster Response Team is working to develop a plan for long-term support.
© The Sunflower Project
We aim to continuously move food and supplies for both people and pets into the Kherson region, and to establish systems for fresh water access and storage in numerous villages, forming a sustainable solution to the scarcity of safe drinking water.
© The Sunflower Project
We want to thank our partners at The Sunflower Project, U-Hearts Foundation and United for Animals for continuing to use GGC support to help people and pets impacted by this disaster.
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June 15, 2023 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities' Disaster Response Team is currently on the ground in Ukraine assessing need to determine how we can most effectively support people and pets impacted by the recent collapse of the Nova Kakhovka dam. As the team meets with partners to discuss collaboration in ongoing disaster response efforts, they're distributing food, blankets, pet food and other supplies to those in need.
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June 12, 2023 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities has deployed a team, including Field Operations Manager Martyna Maciejewska, into Ukraine to assess ongoing need in the wake of the Nova Kakhovka dam breach.
© Oro Whitley
Meanwhile, as our partners at United for Animals (UFA) and The Sunflower Project continue their animal rescue efforts aided by your donations, they delivered nearly 1,000 kg of pet food to hard-to-reach villages in the Kherson region heading into last weekend.
© United for Animals
They've also delivered over 800 kg of food and 150 blankets provided by Greater Good Charities to these villages. It is reported that around 8,000 people are trapped by flooding in the Fedorivka region. In the coming days, our team's work will include determining the possibility of establishing centers to provide food for stranded communities.
© Oro Whitley
We thank you for your continued support in response to this crisis and will continue to keep you updated on our efforts.
© Oro Whitley
June 09, 2023 UPDATE:
Meet Svitlana, a shelter owner in Kherson and volunteer for our partners at United for Animals (UFA). From the first day of the tragedy at the Kakhovsky Reservoir, Svitlana has been working to save the animals of her city!
© United for Animals
It's individuals like Svitlana who are bringing hope during this dark time. UFA volunteers delivered 1,300 kg of donated pet food to Kherson shelters in the last day. Rescue teams continue to evacuate people and animals from six flooded villages, and UFA's teams have thus far rescued dozens of animals from the water.
© United for Animals
Teams on the ground are working to establish a location to provide necessary medical care to rescued animals, while sending in cages/crates in which to transport rescues.
© United for Animals
Our partners at The Sunflower Project are also receiving Greater Good Charities' support. They delivered 2,000 kg of food and 200 blankets to a hospital and aid distribution point run by Kherson city volunteers.
© United for Animals
June 08, 2023 UPDATE:
As water levels rise across the Kherson/Dnipro region in the wake of the Nova Kakhovka dam collapse in Ukraine, crisis centers and shelters are being forced to move to avoid flooding. While Kherson city is still under shelling, this is expected to stop as the water on the other side of Dnipro rises, pushing Russian forces out of artillery range.
© U-Hearts Foundation
Greater Good Charities continues to work alongside partners on the ground to provide aid. Rescue teams from United For Animals (UFA) are navigating to rescue pets stranded on roofs, a difficult task as these animals are extremely stressed and in some cases require sedation.
© United for Animals
Between the efforts of UFA and our partners at U-Hearts Foundation, around 500 animals have been rescued since the crisis began. We're shipping in pet food as fast as possible to help feed these and other displaced animals.
© U-Hearts Foundation
Meanwhile, our humanitarian partners at Mriya Charity report a pressing need for clean water. Siobhan's Trust, with whom we've worked closely in both Ukraine and Turkey, has left for Kherson with a van full of water purification tablets. Your donations will continue to provide hundreds of food boxes and blankets to people in need.
© U-Hearts Foundation
June 07, 2023 UPDATE:
Thanks to Greater Good Charities' network in the Mykolaiv/Kherson region, our partners at United for Animals (UFA) were able to deliver over one ton of our pet food to three locations in Kherson city in under 24 hours in response to the devastating Nova Kakhovka dam collapse. This food is being distributed to animal shelters, animal rescue volunteers and evacuating pet owners in the area.
© United for Animals
Additionally, as UFA volunteers work with our support to rescue animals in flooded areas, they've secured over 400 places for these rescues in vetted shelters in safe areas.
© United for Animals
Kherson city is under regular shelling, which makes rescue and evacuation efforts even more difficult. About 450 kg of food and 100 blankets were delivered to a hospital and temporary crisis center in Kherson. We are working to deliver food and blankets to other targeted crisis centers and drop points for evacuees in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. Keep your eyes here for additional updates.
© United for Animals
June 06, 2023 UPDATE:
The Kakhovka dam in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson has collapsed, leaving hundreds of thousands of people and pets threatened as flood waters rise and drinking water supplies shrink. A state of emergency has been declared in surrounding regions of southern Ukraine, with at over 75 settlements facing drinking water shortages. Approximately 40,000 people, many of whom have pets, are being urged to evacuate.
© Greater Good Charities
Greater Good Charities is mobilizing quickly to respond to this crisis. Our Disaster Response Team is en route to deliver food boxes and blankets to crisis centers in the Kherson region for evacuees.
© Greater Good Charities
We’re actively working with partners throughout the region—including the Kherson police—to facilitate emergency animal evacuations as flood waters continue to rise. A safe zone has been established to evacuate hundreds of dogs and cats from shelters in flooded regions. Our team is also working hard to provide pet food to animal shelters in the region as they struggle to care for the many pets displaced by this disaster.
© United for Animals
As we activate to provide aid where needed in the wake of this disaster, we appreciate your generous donations of support. We will keep you updated on our activities on the ground.
May 25, 2023 UPDATE:
Our partners at U-Hearts Foundation have thus far supported about 55,000 cats and 23,000 dogs in Ukraine with the help of your donations.
© U-Hearts Foundation
Our Save Pets of Ukraine initiative—in which U-Hearts plays a major role—sustained its aid operations throughout this most difficult winter, forming a reliable source of support for shelters and pet volunteers. During these uncertain times, it is local shelters and animal-loving individuals who are doing the critical daily work to save lives in Ukraine.
© U-Hearts Foundation
Cyborg is just one example of a life saved by this aid. One day he was found by good-hearted people on the street, wounded and covered in blood after being hit by a car. Cyborg was taken to a shelter in Kharkiv supported by U-Hearts.
© U-Hearts Foundation
One of Cyborg's hind legs was amputated to save this brave kitty's life. Fortunately, with the help of food donations, Cyborg was able to heal and recover, and is now walking fine!
During his stay at the shelter, Cyborg was lovingly taken care of by a volunteer named Maria. Their bond grew so strong that finally she decided to take him home for good! Thank you for helping us help pets like Cyborg in Ukraine.
May 23, 2023 UPDATE:
Pet food sent to Krakow Food Bank by Greater Good Charities has supported 7,500 dogs and 5,000 cats in need in Ukraine.
Throughout the brutal winter, this food helped ease the strain on pet owners of keeping their beloved pets healthy during a tremendously difficult time. Food also brought warmth to stray and abandoned pets, seeing them through another day, week or month before rescue.
© Bank Zywnosci w Krakowie
Critically-needed pet food is also being distributed by Krakow Food Bank to shelters, bolstering their outreach to both stray and owned animals in their communities. This allows shelters to continue their rescue efforts knowing the animals in their care will not go hungry, and their funds can be allocated to veterinary services.
© Bank Zywnosci w Krakowie
Thank you for helping us support Krakow Food Bank to feed the pets of Ukraine.
May 18, 2023 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities' Programs teams are currently on the ground in Ukraine determining how best we can use your donations to help bees and beekeepers.
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The team visited the warehouse where we will store bee pollen substitute, then visited a honey exporter's enterprise, including their warehouse and apitherapy apiary. How great is that GGC beekeeping suit!
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Your Mother's Day donations to provide queen bees to Ukrainian beekeepers will keep many hives afloat as the effects of the war continue to ripple through the country.
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May 15, 2023 UPDATE:
At the end of March, we sent nearly 10,500 kg of canned food for cats and dogs to northeastern Ukraine. Our partners at United for Animals (UFA) used this support to aid about 60 volunteers, who fed about 3,400 dogs and 1,400 cats.
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This support was concentrated mainly in destroyed villages, where people and pets alike struggle to access basic resources. Homeless animals seek food from those who have remained in the villages, but food is scarce.
In villages that came under occupation, only fractions of the population remain. Often pensioners who decided to stay in their homes despite the danger have now taken on the role of caretakers for abandoned pets.
© United for Animals
Our partners work to deliver pet food directly to their homes, providing as much support as possible where often there is little to none. People and pets alike are so grateful for the food and assistance at this difficult time.
Certain villages that were not occupied were still deeply affected by the war, and yet they don't receive critical support. UFA brings pet food provided by Greater Good Charities to these villages to ensure on one is left behind.
© United for Animals
We're also supporting animal shelters that have cropped up due to the need created by the war. With so many abandoned pets in need of food and shelter, the compassionate people running these shelters have had to get creative, like one group who began housing pets in horse stables as their numbers increased.
© United for Animals
Work continues to send pets abroad to new families, but the ones remaining in #Ukraine will be cared for thanks to your support and the unflagging determination of our partners on the ground.
May 09, 2023 UPDATE:
Imagine being pregnant or caring for a new baby in the midst of a war in your country.
© Mriya Charity
We sent cash support and supplies to our partners at MRIYA Charity in Ukraine, who distributed 150 baby sets full of essentials for pregnant women and mothers of up to six-month-old babies.
© Mriya Charity
Mriya also supported over 50 displaced families sheltering without homes to return to. Thanks to Greater Good Charities' support provided by your donations, they have received blankets, bed sheets and more.
© Mriya Charity
Mriya also supported over 50 displaced families sheltering without homes to return to. Thanks to Greater Good Charities' support provided by your donations, they have received blankets, bed sheets and more.
April 18, 2023 UPDATE:
The bitter temperatures of winter may be lifting, but the people and pets of Ukraine still need support, and Greater Good Charities remains committed to providing it wherever possible.
© Oro Whitley
Ongoing conflict has left many displaced, without homes, jobs or access to basic resources. Thanks to your donations and the help of our partners, we're continuing to distribute Disaster Response Kits full of food, clothing, blankets, hygiene products and pet food to those in need.
© Oro Whitley
Pet food is also reaching animal shelters filled to capacity, and filling the bellies of strays who no longer have homes to call their own. With your support, we plan only to grow our presence as a helping hand for those in need in Ukraine.
© Oro Whitley
March 14, 2023 UPDATE:
In mid-February, our disaster team was able to provide over 4,850 pounds of wet cat food to the city of Kryvyi Rih. More than 80 volunteers from the community dispersed to areas of the city with large populations of abandoned pets, feeding cats who lost their families to the evacuations that occurred across the city while it was under fire. The edge of the city has a large concentration of stray animals, both from the main city and from villages bordering the occupied parts of neighboring regions.
© Fairy House of Rescued Animals
The food that was not distributed directly to volunteers was sent to the Fairy House of Rescued Animals. Leila, the owner of this rescue, has been saving injured, maimed, or abandoned animals for many years, and our distribution team was grateful for the opportunity to support her work in the community in these tumultuous times.
The Fairy House shelter is currently home to 47 cats and about 80 dogs. Leila has always worked to take in pets that other organizations might refuse for their injuries or difficult care needs, and our team has been able to supply her rescue with medicines, diapers, beds, pet carriers, food, and even a generator. In times of great loss such as Ukraine is seeing now, Leila’s organization is a true beacon of hope and empathy. Greater Good Charities is proud to support and collaborate with the efforts of Fairy House during this time of need.
© Fairy House of Rescued Animals
March 10, 2023 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities’ disaster team recently purchased 16.2 tons of pet food for distribution in the most affected areas in Ukraine. In cities affected by the missiles and shelling, thousands of pets were left behind as families fled to safer locations. Those families who remained in these cities are doing all they can to care for their own pets, as well as the many who were abandoned and are living on the streets. With food and resources scarce across these regions, the people of Ukraine continue to show kindness to these abandoned pets, feeding them when they are able.
© We Build The Future Together
798 kilograms of dog food and 960 kilograms of cat food were sent to We Build The Future Together, an organization that we work with in Kharkiv. Aid was also distributed amongst trusted volunteers in Tsyrkuny, Slatino, Chuguev, and other cities. In solidarity with these compassionate Ukrainian citizens and their efforts, Greater Good Charities will continue working to provide pet food for the abandoned animals in the affected regions, for as long as there is a need.
© We Build The Future Together
March 07, 2023 UPDATE:
It has been one year since one year since Greater Good Charities’ Disaster Response Team launched an emergency relief effort in response to the crisis in Ukraine. From the beginning, our team has been on the ground to distribute critical relief supplies for people and pets. Throughout this time, your unyielding generosity, support, and donations have provided incredible aid for families and animals whose lives have been changed forever.
© Greater Good Charities
- We’ve established a permanent presence on the ground with Polish staff to distribute critical relief supplies within Ukraine, provide operational support to partners, and develop partnerships to effectively help ensure aid reaches those who need it most.

- Since fall of 2022, support from donors like you have provided over 900,000 meals to families in need as a part of our Winter Relief Kit distributions, which included warm blankets, hygiene supplies, and pet food. Donor support has also provided toys and medical supplies.
- Together, we’ve directly supported partners helping hundreds of thousands of people displaced in Ukraine and refugees fleeing to neighboring countries and funded over 9.5 million meals via local partners and food banks.
- More than 31.6 million meals for the pets of Ukrainian people in the country and those fleeing to neighboring countries, as well as to struggling animal shelters in Ukraine, have been distributed with your donations. In addition, veterinary care has been provided at border crossing for pets in need.
© Greater Good Charities
This scale of our response and impact is beyond anything we’ve ever seen. It’s only made possible by donors like you. Every action by you, our donors, has created these lifesaving impacts for families and pets. With no end to the conflict in sight, Greater Good Charities is dedicated to continue supporting the families and pets of Ukraine with humanitarian and animal aid for as long as there is a need.
February 23, 2023 UPDATE:
This February, Greater Good Charities organized a large distribution to two nearby villages, Novokyivka, and Bohorodyts’ke in Mykolaiv Oblast. Thanks to a generous product donation from our corporate partner Bombas, 8,000 pairs of wool socks were distributed to members of the community as part of our Winter Relief Kit distribution.
For Ukrainian families living through a frigid winter while in the midst of a war, the gift of warm socks is so much more than relief from the bitter cold. Living through these times of struggle is truly unimaginable, and at times hopeless. To those who have lost everything, these donations are a reminder of hope, support, and care that can re-ignite hope in their hearts.
We are so grateful for our in-kind donors like Bombas for their generosity and commitment to amplify the good in our relief efforts for the communities of Ukraine.
February 21, 2023 UPDATE:
As next week marks one year since Russia first invaded Ukraine, Greater Good Charities is beyond grateful for the donor support this year has brought to the citizens of Ukraine. Throughout this humanitarian crisis, we have been on the ground since the first month of the invasion, bringing resources, support, and hope to families and their pets across Ukraine. With support from generous donors like you, we have thrown pizza parties, donated warm blankets and clothing like jackets and socks, and distributed thousands of meal kits to support Ukrainians in need. Read more on our blog as we look back at what good you have helped us to accomplish this winter in Ukraine.
© Oro Whitley
As we approach a year on the ground, Greater Good Charities is committed to serving the people and pets of Ukraine for however long there is a need. We could not achieve this level of humanitarian support without the generosity of our donors, and we appreciate all that you have done to help us amplify the good across Ukraine in this past year.
February 10, 2023 UPDATE:
At the start of the year, Greater Good Charities made a distribution to the nearby villages of Novokyivka and Bohorodyts’ke in Mykolaiv Oblast. This donation consisted of 450 food boxes and 900 blankets. Both of these remote villages were under Russian occupation for 10 months, and families there still do not have electricity and water. Before the war, around 800 people lived in these two villages. Now, only about 400 remain, many of which are elderly. The blankets will help these villagers stay warm and protected against the freezing temperatures, and the food will provide stability, sustenance, and hope. Greater Good Charities will continue to provide this essential aid to the people of Ukraine with your help, for as long as needed.
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February 09, 2023 UPDATE:
This January, Greater Good Charities distributed 650 food boxes and 1,300 blankets to four villages in Ukraine. In the villages of Vesele and Kozats’ke in Kherson Oblast, the shared population was previously 5,000. Almost a year since the invasion began, there are now only 1,000 occupants. These villages are only 500 meters from Russian artillery, and are under constant shelling attacks. Our delivery of 650 food boxes and 1,300 blankets is the largest humanitarian aid they have received throughout the duration of the war. These provisions of food and warmth will provide shelter against freezing temperatures and ease the burden of feeding these families as the harsh winter rages on.
© Greater Good Charities
February 03, 2023 UPDATE:
This winter, Greater Good Charities worked with Mriya (Dream) Charity to distribute a generous donation of 200 warm winter jackets from Girlfriend Collective. Nina, the CEO of Mriya, personally distributed all 200 jackets for mothers of many children, single mothers, and elderly in the community with disabilities. This distribution took place in Zaporizhia, where 1 in 3 people are internally displaced and came to Zaporizhia from the occupied territories. It has been an incredible struggle for Ukrainians in this area to endure this extreme winter. The jackets will help immensely with the freezing temps, and the kindness extended to them will help them see through the darkness and uncertainty. Greater Good Charities will continue to provide support and warmth to those in need with your help.
Special thanks to our friends at Girlfriend Collective for their kindness and generous contribution!
January 31, 2023 UPDATE:
This winter, Greater Good Charities sent pallets of supplies to our partner, Save the Dogs. As the cold settled across Ukraine, 240 blankets were distributed by Anna Skrypka, one of our volunteers in the city of Mykolaiv. Anna distributed blankets to families in need accordingly: 70 blankets went to patients of the Regional Gerontological Center in Mykolaiv, 50 went to a private nursing home, and the remaining 100 were given to animal owners and local volunteers. It’s been an unimaginable winter for Ukrainians, and we will continue to provide support and warmth to those in need with your help.
© Greater Good Charities
January 23, 2023 UPDATE:
To start off the new year, Greater Good Charities and our partners, the Myria (Dream) Charity, hosted a New Year’s party for children in Zaporizhia. During the event, the children could play and enjoy various games and activities, while volunteers distributed humanitarian aid to their parents. This aid, including food boxes, hygienic kits, and blankets, is being distributed daily for people in need.
© Fundacja Kooperacja
January 12, 2023 UPDATE:
Nina Yevtushenko is the CEO of Mriya Charity, a partner of Greater Good Charities on the ground in the city of Zaporizhia. On December 31st, she was home preparing dinner for her family, when she heard a very loud explosion outside. A rocket had been fired and directly struck a home nearby. Fortunately, the woman who lives in the home left at the start of the war and is living abroad. 80 other homes were destroyed by the blast, wounding many people. A 14-year-old girl was rescued from the rubble and is now in an intensive care unit receiving treatment.
Nina’s team immediately rallied to begin distributing 80 food boxes, 80 blankets, and 80 Good Packs with hygienic items and toiletries inside for those affected by damaged housing or injuries. The swift response executed by Nina's team during this tragic event was only possible through the support of our donors. Watch below to see Nina’s story:
December 29, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities recently delivered 15 pallets of pet food to Northeast Ukraine. Due to the proximity to the frontline, the situation in this location is particularly dire. Two pallets of pet food were also sent to Paw Help, a private shelter in Sukhovolya near Lviv. Like those on the frontline, the shelter is overrun, not only with adult dogs, but now with dozens and dozens of puppies born from pets who were sadly left behind when their families fled their homes. Taking these puppies in is no small task with shelters as crowded as they are, but these small pups would not be able to survive the winter cold outside.
© Krakow Food Bank
The situation for this overpopulation of abandoned dogs and puppies is even worse, with threats of high infestation of internal parasites and a lack of vaccinations. Oksana and Igor, Workers at Paw Help, are doing everything they can to find as many abandoned pups as possible. Once they intake an animal, they do their best to offer vaccines, nutritious food, and warm places to sleep while waiting to find them forever homes. But veterinary bills are high, as is the cost of neutering these animals to minimize overpopulation. The relief these pallets of food bring to the caregivers of these pets is monumental, as it allows the funds to be used for other useful things such as vaccinations and spaying and neutering processes.
© Krakow Food Bank
December 27, 2022 UPDATE:
Our partner The Mriya Foundation, with their CEO Nina, has recently facilitated the distribution of over 500 food boxes to internally displaced individuals in the town of Zaporizhia. Many of these were helpfully distributed by the local police in the villages where the situations are more dangerous and require aid. Most recipients of these food boxes were elderly people living in the “hot” areas, or those which are most consistently victims of shelling. Many of these individuals live completely alone, have difficulty moving on their own around their homes, and rarely leave their homes at all.
In addition to enlisting the help of local police to ensure these resources make their way to the most vulnerable people in these areas, Nina also added hygiene items to each Food Box. These additional gifts are to ensure that those who have difficulty leaving home can still access those basic home resources needed.
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December 02, 2022 UPDATE:
On November 15th, amidst the tragic rocket attacks, Greater Good Charities was on the ground helping people and pets in southern central Ukraine. Our Disaster Response team worked to distribute Winter Relief Kits containing food, hygiene supplies, blankets, and pet food. 2,000 boxes of food and blankets were distributed to those in need in the community, before warning alerts were fired.
Recently in Ukraine, as a part of our Winter Relief efforts, our partner Fundacja Kooperacja was able to distribute two shipments of toys throughout Lodz, Poland, where many refugees from Ukraine are currently living with their families, many with small children. The first shipment of toys from Greater Good Charities were made in Ukraine, and included 600 wooden tower sets, as well as 600 travel chess sets. The second shipment came from the U.S. and was full of Creative Kidstuff products donated by Tim Kunin and his company, CharityUSA . Through this outreach, over 400 families received gifts, games, and small toys to brighten the lives of their families and children throughout this cold and dark winter. Your support continues to provide joy and hope for Ukrainian families who are still finding themselves far away from home.
© Fundacja Kooperacja
November 16, 2022 UPDATE:
On November 15th, amidst the tragic rocket attacks, Greater Good Charities was on the ground helping people and pets in southern central Ukraine. Our Disaster Response team worked to distribute Winter Relief Kits containing food, hygiene supplies, blankets, and pet food. 2,000 boxes of food and blankets were distributed to those in need in the community, before warning alerts were fired.
90 missiles struck across cities in Ukraine, damaging infrastructures and knocking out power across large areas. Members of our team, Vice President of Field Operations John Peaveler and Field Operations Coordinator Martyna Maciejewska, took cover before heading safely for the border. These attacks against energy infrastructure make the support Greater Good Charities is providing even more critical. While our team headed to safety, many of the citizens in the city were doing the same. Greater Good Charities will return when we are able to continue supporting the people and pets of Ukraine during this ongoing crisis throughout the frigid winter.
November 15, 2022 UPDATE:
Recently, Greater Good Charities and our partner Save The Dogs distributed 285 tons of food to help abandoned pets fighting to survive in Ukraine. As people fled their homes throughout the year to find safety, thousands of pets were left behind to fend for themselves, hiding in wooded areas nearby, or in the debris of their former homes. Lena, one of Save the Dogs volunteers, goes out every day on a bicycle, attaching bags of pet food, makeshift plastic food and water bowls, and sometimes blankets to the back of the bike. When she heads into rural areas, she finds hundreds of pets gathered together, waiting desperately for a volunteer to bring food.
© Save the Dogs and Other Animals
These thousands of dogs and cats are traumatized by the war and exhausted by the loud sounds of bombings and shelling. They struggle to find food, water, and shelter every day. These animals are in desperate need of shelter through the upcoming harsh winter. Shelters and rescue centers are either too damaged to take in more animals, or are completely overcrowded. Through our partnership with Save the Dogs, we have sent more than 150 dog houses and hundreds of dog jackets and blankets to keep these pets warm and help to save their lives this winter. Greater Good Charities is working to send as much aid as possible to these precious animals through the cold Ukrainian winter.
© Save the Dogs and Other Animals
November 09, 2022 UPDATE:
Last month, Greater Good Charities and our partner Siobhan’s Trust joined a humanitarian convoy to Balakliya. Our Disaster Team team drove to nearby villages Verbivka and Hrakove to distribute food boxes, blankets, and pet food to those living in the wreckage. As these areas are dangerous and closed to the general public and non-residents, volunteers were escorted to these villages by local police and with the help of the Mriya Foundation.
On October 19th In Verbivka, 630 food boxes, 430 warm blankets, and over 350 pounds of pet food were distributed to local families, many of which are living without electricity and heat as the cold winter approaches. In Hrakove, 70 food boxes and 70 blankets were left at the local volunteer house to be distributed to more families in need.
On October 20th, 300 food boxes were transported and donated to local authorities in Kharkivs'ka Oblast (Tsykurny) east of Kiev for distribution to locals in need. The following day, 1000 additional food boxes and over 600 pounds of nutritious pet food were donated in Pervomaisk (Mykolaiv Oblast) to be distributed to Ukrainians sheltering in place there.
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November 04, 2022 UPDATE:
As Ukrainian families who were unable to leave their homes during warfare learn to survive in the wake of damaged buildings, landmines, and the looming threat of future shelling, they face an additional burden: caring for the abandoned pets still living in the affected areas.
Greater Good Charities is partnering in collaboration with Save the Dogs and other Animals Ukraine, an organization working to provide care for the innocent animals left behind in the wreckage. Every two weeks, a truck filled with nutritious pet food makes its way to more than 30 locations, where it is distributed to more than 400 volunteer feeders. 244 tons of dog and cat food have been distributed by Save the Dogs to several locations across southern and northeastern Ukraine so far.
These brave and caring volunteer donors in Ukraine are dedicating their own precious time to save these orphaned dogs and cats from suffering a painful starvation. Currently, 3,835 cats and 4,265 dogs have been helped by this volunteer initiative. Greater Good Charities is committed to continuing serving the people and pets in Ukraine during this ongoing crisis as the cold winter sets in across the country.
© Save the Dogs and Other Animals
November 03, 2022 UPDATE:
As displaced Ukrainian refugees fight to care for their families in a foreign country, they face new struggles for basic necessities every day. The daily task of simply feeding your family is a constant burden on those caregivers so far from home. Recently, Greater Good Charities awarded a grant to a Romanian food bank on the Isaccea Border of Ukraine. This food bank currently supports about 100 people a day, with most of those visitors being Ukrainian refugees in need. The grant provided 3 months of clean drinking water for daily distribution, as well as facilitating the purchase of paper cups, tea, coffee, fresh fruits, wet wipes, and cleaning supplies. Many of the visitors to this location are now exiting Romania due to a lack of government support for refugees, and are hoping to return to their own homes post-shelling.
Unfortunately, many of these families are making a journey into the unknown. They do not yet know the state they may find their homes in upon returning. The resources of fresh food and water, as well as toiletries and basic necessities, allow these families to travel with small comforts as they return to their homes with the hope that they are still standing.
Greater Good Charities will continue to support food banks and other resource groups in Ukraine and neighboring countries to serve the people and pets of Ukraine during this ongoing crisis, especially now as winter approaches.
October 28, 2022 UPDATE:
In the village of Velyka Babka, outside the Kharkiv region, a total of 250 food kits were distributed to those still living in the city, which suffers from regular shelling attacks. At the start of the war, these attacks were relentless and occurred too often for volunteers to enter and provide aid. With our grant to Help for Animals UA, assistance and food resources were given to various people, including those without jobs and others providing for large families during this ongoing crisis. Those being helped are often people who either failed to evacuate, or stayed behind because they had no safe place to flee.
© Greater Good Charities
The volunteers also provided the locals with 880 pounds of pet food to provide for their pets, and those that were left behind or displaced. Pet Pharma Snap tests were provided to 3 shelters that they are in contact with. Shelter Best Friends, together with the Help for Animals UA team, was able to rescue 50 cats and 5 dogs from the devastation. Shelter Pegas, another rescue, was able to save 240 cats and 10 dogs from the most dangerously affected territories. Shelter Barbos also aided in this intake, and all three shelters are testing these pets to avoid the spread of sickness. Greater Good Charities will continue providing on the ground action in collaboration with our partners to serve the people and pets of Ukraine in this ongoing crisis.
October 25, 2022 UPDATE:
Last month, Greater Goods Charities supported the initiatives of Help for Animals UA, as they aided a group of internally displaced people fleeing to Odesa. These families and citizens brought over 30 animals (21 cats and 7 dogs) with them as they fled, traveling over 465 miles to reach safety! Thanks to your donations, Greater Good Charities was there to support our partners efforts with this large intake of pets, keeping them safe and happy with a donation of over 330 pounds of nutritious pet food. Greater Good Charities continues to be on the ground and work closely with our partners to ensure animals are taken care of as the war continues and cold weather starts to set in.
© Greater Good Charities
October 17, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities is on the ground in regions of Ukraine recently affected by missile attacks and shelling. In collaboration with our partner, Siobhan’s Trust, we were able to provide food and joy to the families living through the uncertainty and war this weekend. We served hot pizza to thousands of people in L'viv, and gave comfort and support to those who have lost everything. The community came together to dance, sing, and eat a warm meal with their families and friends. And YOU helped make this possible. During this time of turmoil, together, we gave Ukrainians the hope and a simple yet profound reminder that they are not alone. We will continue to serve the people and pets of Ukraine for as long as we're needed.
October 11, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities is continuing to work with organizations on the ground to provide relief as we enter the 8th month of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On the morning of October 10th, Russia struck cities across Ukraine during rush hour, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure. Cruise missiles tore into busy intersections, parks, and tourist sites in the center of downtown Kyiv.
Explosions were also reported in Lviv, Ternopil and Zhytomyr in the west, Dnipro and Kremenchuk in central Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia in the south, and Kharkiv in the east. Reports from the Ukrainian defense ministry announced that Russia has fired more than 80 of these cruise missiles. Police in Kyiv have reported at least 5 dead and 12 wounded in the capital. This weekend, our CEO Liz Baker traveled to Ukraine to assist internally displaced people in Lviv, bringing food and hope.
Distributions like this, in partnership with incredible organizations like Siobhan’s Trust and with the support of The Hunger site, bring comfort, aid, supplies, and normalcy to those who need it most. Greater Good Charities will continue to provide much needed aid and critical supplies to help the people and pets in Ukraine impacted by this latest round of attacks that occurred. We are so thankful for your help providing relief for the people and pets affected by this ongoing crisis.
September 12, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities is continuing to work with organizations on the ground to provide relief as we enter the 7th month of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The ongoing crisis has left an influx of animals in need and a significant reduction in people and resources available to help them. One of our on-the-ground partners, the Romanian non-profit Anim All Delta, starts every day with a group of stray animals in front of their clinic.
© Anim All Delta
That’s why GGC sent the group a grant to purchase veterinary equipment and supplies to help care for stray animals and pets of Ukrainian refugees. This Romanian non-profit treats stray animals and pets of Ukrainian refugees. And thanks to your donations to Greater Good Charities, they're caring for these animals in a newly equipped clinic!
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Recently Dr. Max and Dr. Christian, two members of the Anim All Delta team, successfully treated and released a stray dog living near the clinic. The dog was found with serious leg injuries, which meant she needed dedicated treatment. The veterinary supplies and equipment at the clinic allowed the team to successfully treat her injuries and release her. The team plans to monitor her and will soon start spaying and neutering other dogs and cats living near the clinic. Controlling the pet population through spaying/neutering can go a long way to prevent overcrowding in surviving shelters, and in turn, allow shelters to better care for the animals in their care. We are so thankful for your help providing relief for the people and pets affected by this crisis.
Recently our ground-team visited Buzova to distribute some food supplies and asses their needs. We met with Pasha, a local volunteer, who was kind enough to tell us the story of the village.
© Buzova
Buzova was occupied for almost a month by the Russian army, and many people lost their homes due to the bombing. Before the war, Buzova had around 3,000 residents — 2,500 left the village before the Russian army came. Of 500 who stayed, 100 died. There are now around 50 families living there, many women who lost their husbands and sons, and elderly people who stayed through the whole occupation. We left over 1,102 lbs of food and toys for the children with Pasha, who will distribute the products around the village.
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Local volunteers like Pasha are vital to sustaining GGC's international relief efforts! They allow us to create connections with local resources and distribute much-needed supplies in directly-affected communities. We are incredibly grateful for kind souls like Pasha who amplify the good in their communities especially in times of need!
Continued support by Greater Good Charities' donors has made it possible for Shioban's Trust to expand their operations. They are providing meals to internally displaced people and communities affected by the war in eastern Ukraine. In the Mykolaiv region, they feed a daily average of 3,500 people and in the Lviv region average is 5,000!
Your donations continue to help pets and people in Ukraine as we are closing in on six months since the outbreak of this conflict. Your support recently powered the delivery of 10 tons of pet food for the animals in Kharkiv. With our incredible partners, Kitchenette for Animals and Help Animals UA, food was sent to shelters caring for stray animals in the region with focused distributions in the villages within two kilometers from the front line. Many families in Kharkiv continue to live in basements because of relentless Russian shelling, so we are also starting to distribute food for people there.
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A key component to Greater Good Charities’ response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is to continuously assess the needs of the communities and how we can best serve those needs. That is why we developed and started distribution of meal kits to both internally displaced people (IDP’s) in Ukraine as well as people living in liberated or contested areas of Ukraine.
© Szack Distribution IDPS
These meal kits contain ingredients to make 60 meals - all in one sturdy reusable bag! This makes a huge difference to internally displaced people as they are often living with limited access to food, water, sanitation, and other basic services.
On July 26 Greater Good Charities organized a Meal Kit distribution to Ukrainians sheltering in place in Szack (Volyn Oblast). With the help of local authorities, we distributed 100 meal kits, each generating enough food to feed a family for up to a month!
© Szack Distribution IDPS
Also, as many of these families included children of all ages, we distributed toys ranging from teething rings to sidewalk chalk! It's vital children in crisis are able to play as "play has a significant therapeutic role helping children recover a sense of normality and joy.” (International Play Association).
JULY 28, 2022 UPDATE:
Meet Zubek! Zubek comes from Kharkiv and is one of the 3,000 animals rescued by Home of Rescued Animals in Livi since the initial attack in February. He is currently gaining his strength and health back thanks to our partner U-hearts, who is supporting the shelter with pet food!
© U-Hearts Foundation
JULY 25, 2022 UPDATE:
Since the beginning of the conflict, Animals Kowel Organization has struggled with the huge influx of abandoned pets left in Ukraine as refugees were forced to leave the country. They continue to rescue several animals from Kyiv and the eastern parts of Ukraine despite working out of an old abandoned building
Two years ago Animals Kowel started an initiative to spay and neuter stray animals in Kowel City. They cooperate with the local vet who works for them once a week which allows them to spay and neuter approx 100 animals a month! After their procedure, the animals either stay at their little shelter, or are transported to the place where they were found. Animals Kowel's mission is to find those animals new houses, preferable outside of Ukraine.
Your donations sent 90kg of cat food and 300kg of dog food to this shelter to help fill the bellies of the growing group of animals in their care!
© Animals Kovel
JULY 18, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities is working with Kitchenette for Animals on the ground in and around Ukraine to feed animals in need.
Kharkiv is one city where this aid is focused. It’s near the Russian border and was the site of intense fighting and occupation early on in the war. Many animals have escaped their homes or been abandoned as their owners fled, leaving animals running through the streets, starving and in need of care, many dying before they can receive it.
Meanwhile, new litters are being born rapidly, increasing the need for food and support at an alarming rate.
Many of the locals who remain in Kharkiv are taking in as many of these stray animals off the streets as they can, or doing their best to feed the ones they can’t. We and Kitchenette for Animals are shipping pet food in to these locals and to shelters. Supplying them with this basic resource helps keep as many pets as possible with full bellies while allowing funds to be directed to other critical areas like medical supplies, sterilization and transportation.
Thank you for supporting these efforts to save pets and help people in Ukraine. Your donations allow us to provide a beacon of hope for those in the midst of this conflict and reduce animal suffering. Stay with us on this journey to Amplify the Good.
© Kitchenette for Animals
JULY 15, 2022 UPDATE:
Tim and Martyna, two members of the Greater Good Charities team, met with our partners at U-Hearts helping with the "Save Pets of Ukraine" initiative in Lviv.
They visited the "Home of the rescued animals" in Demolition Park. Thirty-seven dogs and a dozen cats live at a shelter there now, and the "Save Pets of Ukraine" initiative is providing them with food.
The team also visited an art center. Since February, they've taken in over 200 displaced people with pets, about 15 of whom remain there. We delivered food to assist them as well!
Thank you to our partners for their support as we AmplifyTheGood for the people and pets of Ukraine !
© Save Pets of Ukraine
JULY 13, 2022 UPDATE:
Pizza time! While in Poland, the Greater Good Charities team joined our partners at Siobhans Trust to help feed Ukrainian refugees on the border via pizza trucks. We used your donations to fill bellies and spread some positive energy!
JULY 11, 2022 UPDATE:
Dogs of Chernobyl's work in Ukraine, helping the animals and people who live and work in the ChernobylExclusionZone and Slavutych, is made possible by their partners. Greater Good Charities has provided funding and facilitated partnerships for their volunteers to purchase, collect and transport food to help the people and animals in and around Chernobyl .
Thank you for your investment in these communities, and trust in Dogs of Chernobyl to leverage their partnerships and deep relationships in the area for the Greater Good of the animals and people we all care about so much.
JULY 08, 2022 UPDATE:
These Ukrainian pets are staying fed thanks to your support. Greater Good Charities is providing more than 500 tons of pet food (4+ million meals) for Ukrainian pets of refugees displaced within Ukraine and fleeing to neighboring countries, as well as to struggling animal shelters in Ukraine, with a commitment to procure an additional 1,000 tons. Our partners at Save the Dogs and other Animals on the ground in Ukraine and surrounding countries sent us these photos as they distribute the pet food. It's making a real difference for those in need.
© Save the Dogs and Other Animals
JULY 07, 2022 UPDATE:
Watch a virtual event with our leadership to gain an inside glimpse into our Disaster Response efforts to the crisis in Ukraine. During the recording, hear from our experts:
- Noah Horton, Chief Operations Officer, offers an overview of GGC along with the strategy and structure of our Ukraine response
- John Peaveler, Vice President of Field Operations, was on the ground for us for six weeks and shares his first-hand experience
- Denise Bash, Vice President Disaster Response, addresses the disaster relief logistics
- Other program experts include Brooke Nowak, Vice President People & Planet Programs”
JULY 01, 2022 UPDATE:
Watch on Facebook: A longtime donor and friend to Greater Good Charities, Skip Klintworth, traveled to Poland with our Ukraine team to supply aid for pets and people.
JUNE 29, 2022 UPDATE:
John and Summer Piper, a Greater Good Charities animal technician, were at a temporary animal shelter for pets of Ukraine at the Medyka border crossing.
These dogs are fearful and restless, but very sweet and in simple need of attention and affection. Having gone from a refugee center to this shelter, John and team reflected on the difficulty of witnessing all the hurt and need for both people and animals. But this need and the stories that crystallize it inspire us to keep working to help. Stay with us as relief efforts for the people and pets of Ukraine continue.
© Greater Good Charities
JUNE 27, 2022 UPDATE:
We spoke to Malik, who is working with Greater Good Charities’ partners at Centaurus Foundation to deliver much-needed food, medical supplies and more to people and animals fleeing Ukraine.
Centaurus is also housing pets from overcrowded local shelters, helping relieve the surplus and give them better lives. They vaccinate and chip the pets, then they’re ready for adoption. Together, we’re glad to be able to help Centaurus Foundation.
© Greater Good Charities
JUNE 24, 2022 UPDATE:
A few surprise guests appeared during this interview! VP of Field Operations John Peaveler sat down with Marketa, founder of Kitchenette for Animals, while on the ground in Poland. When the war began, Marketa sdought to do all she could personally to help and started to organized transportation of food into Ukraine. Since then, Greater Good Charities has helped amplify those efforts, allowing so many more dogs and cats in need to stay healthy and happy. Thank you, Marketa and Kitchenette for Animals, for all you're doing, and thank you once more to our generous donors for giving to help pets like the ones frolicking around here!
© Greater Good Charities
JUNE 21, 2022 UPDATE:
As pet food and supplies in Ukraine dwindle, Greater Good Charities is helping meet the need with the 'Save the Pets' initiative. Together with our partners at U-Hearts and The Animal Rescue Site by GreaterGood we're purchasing truckloads of emergency food to send to shelters caring for pets within Ukraine and distribution centers in neighboring countries helping refugees with pets.This food is already filling the bellies of thousands of pets across regions of Ukraine including Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Irpin and Kharkiv - where these photos were taken. Abandoned animals gather at homes where people remain, and these wonderful people feed them with food manufactured and shipped thanks in part to your support.Follow our friends at U-Hearts for daily updates on the specific areas where this food is helping pets! And thank you once again for helping us.
© U-Hearts Foundation
JUNE 16, 2022 UPDATE:
While on the ground in Poland, Greater Good Charities' COO Noah Horton and team visited a refugee center for women and children. The center was sheltering about 300 residents at the time, half of whom were children, many orphans. Thousands of people have gone through this center since the war broke out.Your donations have helped us provide food, toys and supplies to this shelter, and send supplies into Ukraine. Thank you especially to our Protectors, allowing a long-term response to this crisis.
© Greater Good Charities
JUNE 13, 2022 UPDATE:
Maria's story comes to us from our partners at Fundacja Cooperacja, who are using Greater Good Charities funding to provide humanitarian aid to refugees.
Maria lived in the occupied Ukrainian territory of Melitopol. After seeing terrible news reports and photos, Maria says:
The next day I decided to take the child to a safer place. For a long time I was looking for ways out of the city. But unfortunately we were not provided with green corridors. I tried to call acquaintances, wrote to various groups, about the help of evacuation from the city where this hell is happening.
Finally my prayers were heard. Volunteers from Odessa organized a group of personal cars and offered to leave. Many families left in their own cars and said that the Russian military was damaging the evacuees to their liking. But there was no strength left to remain under terrorism and live in fear. Driving a convoy of cars, the blocking posts from the Russian military were innumerable, each of which did inspection. It took a long time to drive through the fields and then get on the so-called route, which was not a meter wide. We soon came under fire, as a result of which I received injuries to my arms and shoulders from shrapnel.
My son and I were taken to the nearest hospital by the locals of the village we were driving along. The things we had with us came in part, as most of our suitcases remained scattered on the side of the road. In fact, we had nothing.
Thank you to all the caring people, volunteers who came to our aid. We got personal hygiene products, soap, wipes - these are the things that are essential. It is also a great pleasure to receive toys for my child. Because after such stress, my child will be recovering for a long time.
Maria's story is difficult to read, but it throws into sharp relief the ongoing need of those fleeing Ukraine. Thank you for your continued support.
© Fundacja Kooperacja
JUNE 10, 2022 UPDATE:
In the days and weeks immediately following Russia's invasion, Greater Good Charities helped our partners at World Central Kitchen (WCK) support refugees, primarily women and children, fleeing Ukraine. During their long journey to safety, many refugees lacked access to fresh food. WCK has provided fresh meals at formal shelters, border crossings, refugee reception centers, transportation hubs such as train stations and airports, and sites that have been turned into shelters, like schools.
At the Tesco shelter in Przemysl, Poland, the WCK team met Olga and Tamara. Olga shared, "We stayed for three weeks in Kyiv during the war. We kept thinking, 'Maybe it will end tomorrow,' and tomorrow never came. I decided to go once they began to dig military trenches a block away from my home. I couldn't be caught in the crossfire, so I grabbed my neighbor [Tamara] and we came here.
On the food she received from WCK, Olga said, "Hot food! Very important, for health and spirits. Usually we're eating homemade, hot foods in Ukraine. During our recent travels, we have eaten many sandwiches. But this hot soup feels like home. Thank you for helping us lend our support to incredible organizations like WCK, making all the difference for Ukrainian refugees!
© World Central Kitchen
JUNE 08, 2022 UPDATE:
Pizza party! Thanks to your generous support, we sent funds to Siobhans Trust to fund the purchase and distribution of pizzas and fruit to Ukrainian refugee shelters. They currently have one pizza van in Poland and two in Ukraine, out of which they can feed thousands of people. It's an incredible thing for the recipients of this food to receive it from an international community of volunteers, providing an understanding of the depth of global support for their situation. As these volunteers cook pizza and play with the kids, many of whom are orphans, they also listen to stories of shattered lives. Through games, songs and many tears, this pizza is providing hope and community. #Ukraine #AmplifyTheGood
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June 06, 2022 UPDATE:
JUNE 03, 2022 UPDATE:
Fleeing the bombardments in Kherson with her daughter Olya, granddaughter and two small dogs Bielka and Feia, a grandmother named Galina - who suffered from heart problems - was suddenly taken ill, had a bad fall and broke her pelvis.
The only possible solution under the circumstances was for Olya to gather up her family's essential items and for them all to set off by car, headed in the general direction of Romania. Her sole objective: to get Galina to a hospital so she could be safely taken care of.
After a drive of over fifteen hours, the family arrived exhausted at Isaccea, a Romanian border town. Here, Galina was taken on to the nearest hospital, but she could only take one of the small dogs with her. It was not possible for Bielka to go too, and Olya had no idea where she, her daughter and their pet could spend the night. She didn't know if anywhere would accept the dog.
The family was directed to the Save the Dogs and other Animals welcome station, and as soon as this team learned the problem, they proposed that Bielka stay with them so the rest of the family could look for accommodation without worrying about their pets. The Save the Dogs team reassured them they would be reunited as soon as possible.
Bielka spent the night safe and sound with a Save the Dogs volunteer. They witnessed firsthand a family that had been torn apart by war, yet was very united and attached to their pets.
The very next day, Save the Dogs organized for Bielka to be taken to Tulcea to be reunited with her family while they waited for their grandmother to be released from hospital.
Thank you so much to our partners at Save the Dogs for making such an incredible difference for families like this! #Ukraine #AmplifyTheGood
© Coralie Maneri
JUNE 01, 2022 UPDATE:
Two in three displaced persons from Ukraine have told us new shoes and clothing are one of their biggest needs. Your donations are not only meeting those needs by paying for product to ship to the region through Soles4Souls, but also, by way of receiving this product, money is kept in these families' pockets to afford food and other basic necessities in the long days ahead.
Greater Good Charities' support covered the full cost of purchasing and sending thousands of clothing articles, winter coats, new pairs of shoes and underclothes. To ship multiple shipping containers full of new product across the world, to an area experiencing unrest and uncertainty, is no small feat. The Soles4Souls operations team, supported by volunteers across the country, have worked tirelessly to ensure that this relief is possible.
Soles4Souls is still actively sending shipments to Eastern Europe. As this work progresses, the Soles4Souls team is happy to continue to partner with Greater Good Charities to ensure that families in #Ukraine get the help they need. #AmplifyTheGood
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MAY 27, 2022 UPDATE:
This is Xenia and Ana with their two cats Kira and Alisa from Odessa. Our partners at Save the Dogs and other Animals gave them pet carriers and harnesses to continue their journey safely together.
Your donations provided a grant to Save the Dogs that has been essential to their response to the Ukraine crisis. It has covered all three main areas of their aid: providing supplies and assistance to Ukrainian refugees with pets, sheltering evacuated animals, and dispatching food supplies to animal shelters in the Odessa area.
As of today, Save the Dogs has delivered 33 tons of food to 11 shelters in the Odessa area. The food has been also distributed to over 150 volunteers feeding stray dogs and cats. So far, around 2,350 dogs and 2,000 cats have been fed thanks to this grant.
One of the major difficulties faced by refugees leaving their destroyed homes behind them is how to transport their pets. To resolve this problem, in addition to distributing food, bowls, coats and blankets for the animals, Save the Dogs has been handing out pet carriers.As of today, over 350 pet carriers have been distributed at the border together with nearly 300 harnesses and leashes, 243 bowls, 88 small blankets and 590 packages of wet food.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who have donated to make this critical assistance possible for Ukrainian refugees.
© Tatianna Johnny Zigger
MAY 25, 2022 UPDATE:
Our amazing partner Yuriy Tokarski, CEO of U-Hearts, sat down with us for a reflection on the war and the work being done to help Ukrainian refugees and their pets.
© U-Hearts Foundation
MAY 23, 2022 UPDATE:
While urgent need exists to get food and supplies into Ukraine for the animals left behind, efforts are also being made to evacuate animals. Your donations are helping Tiernothilfe Ukraine e.V. do just that.After the first bomb attacks in Kiev, they knew evacuation was urgently needed. Volunteers gathered pets off the street and harbored them at a mini-shelter and in their homes. Despite heavy fighting and lack of fuel and transportation crates, the resources were found, and after two days and nights, 23 dogs, 53 cats and two brave drivers arrived safely in Poland. Thank you for helping these evacuation efforts continue.
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MAY 20, 2022 UPDATE:
Another organization helping the animals of Ukraine thanks to your generous gifts is Tiernothilfe Ukraine e.V. With so many furry friends under Russian occupation, one goal of Tiernothilfe is to provide them with food.As soon as the northern part of the Kiev region was liberated, they used Greater Good Charities funds to send in over 5,000 pounds of pet food. With bridges destroyed, only four-wheel drive vehicles could get there, but contacts in the region were able to bring this critical food to villages and cities including Slavutich, Sukachi, Makariv, Demidiv, Kukhari and many more. Over 300 cats and 240 dogs received food and were saved from hunger! #Ukraine #AmplifyTheGood
© Tiernothilfe Ukraine e.V.
MAY 18, 2022 UPDATE:
Puchi is one lucky pup who benefited from the grant we sent to Anim All Delta to help the people and pets of #Ukraine . This aid was used to obtain veterinary services, and hundreds of animals were offered a veterinary care package including passport, microchip, vaccinations, and internal and external deworming.
Puchi got the veterinary package he needed to continue his journey with his family to western Europe, where they hope to find a stable home. Puchi's owners wishes included finalizing his documents, and we're convinced that Puchi also has his little wishes: maybe a small yard or a partner to play with.
We hope these wishes will be fulfilled and that peace will be this family's guide! Puchi got all the attention he needed thanks to your donations, and finally the Anim All Delta team said goodbye to the cute puppy. All the best, Puchi! #AmplifyTheGood
© Asociatia Anim All Delta
MAY 16, 2022 UPDATE:
Through your donations, we granted funds to Anim All Delta, an organization helping Ukrainian refugees in Romania. This aid was used to obtain veterinary services, and a total of 600 animals were offered a veterinary care package including passport, microchip, vaccinations, and internal and external deworming.
One of these pets was Jessica, a husky mix who crossed with her family into Isaccea on foot from Odesa. Her mom was scared and did not have transportation or housing arranged.Before Jessica and her mom left on a bus, Jessica was given her necessary vaccines, a microchip and official EU Passport. Anim All Delta provided them with food and a place to find some quiet before moving on. Thank you for helping this family and so many others.
© Asociatia Anim All Delta
MAY 13, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities provided an emergency humanitarian assistance grant to Clean Futures Fund for Ukrainians under siege on the west side of the Dniepr River, including the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, self-settlers zone, Chernobyl town and Dytatky north of Ivankiv. This grant funded the rental and gas for two buses that transported 42 families and their pets to safe evacuation points, and gave each of the passengers two days' worth of food per person and per animal. Funds were also used to assist with the evacuation of a family with 11 horses and one donkey to Poland.
The remainder of the grant was used to purchase dog food to feed feral dogs in Chernobyl and to distribute to pet owners remaining in the region. Access to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is severely restricted, as the area has been heavily mined by departing Russian invaders, who also stirred up the ground, releasing radiation to above normal levels. Despite many of the workers being held hostage for over 30 days, they were quick to send word that they were safe, and approximately 300 dogs that call the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone were safe, but very thin and hungry.
Within days, Clean Futures Fund used the funds from Greater Good Charities to source and purchase dog food in Kyiv and transport it to the Exclusion Zone. The food is stored at the entrance, as entry is restricted to power plant workers and Ukrainian military only. Power plant workers collect dog food at the check point daily and distribute it to the stray dogs, ensuring the continuity of the Dogs of Chernobyl feeding program, and the health and safety of the dogs that call this area home.
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MAY 09, 2022 UPDATE:
One of our amazing volunteers on the ground at the Poland/Ukraine border shares a bit about how our work with the Centaurus Foundation is helping sweet pups like Charlie!
FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK @greatergoodcharities
MAY 06, 2022 UPDATE:
Last week, Greater Good Charities' ground team met with one of our largest humanitarian and pet food response partners in the Ukraine crisis: Krakow Food Bank. This incredible organization is run by the founders of another response partner - The Federation of Polish Food Banks, a network of 32 food banks that is used to distribute food and critically needed product to food insecure Polish families. Since the war in Ukraine broke out, they continue to meet this commitment, but also work to provide food and critically needed supplies to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. They also manage distributions within Ukraine through the Kyiv Food Bank system.
Greater Good Charities supported both organizations with emergency cash and product grants(funding the distribution of millions of meals)at the beginning of the crisis and are providing ongoing funding and support. They are receiving and distributing a container full of Good Packs which is being shipped there now. And, for the first time in their 25-year history, they are now receiving and distributing pet food provided by Greater Good Charities, The Animal Rescue Site, and U-Hearts to Ukrainian refugees with pets.
At the meeting, the Greater Good Charities team met with leaders from the Krakow Food Bank and the Federation of Polish Food Banks to discuss plans to expand our operation to help more internally displaced Ukrainian refugees and their pets. Increased Russian aggression and new attacks on Kyiv and Lviv mean more Ukrainians are displaced. Help will be needed for years to come.
Your generous donations to support our ongoing effort makes this possible. #AmplifyTheGood
© Greater Good Charities
MAY 05, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater GoodCharities went back to the Dorohusk border this morning to work with Polish Humanitarian Action, a group for who we purchased food to distribute to people fleeing Ukraine. The ground team packed donated food at a train station to meet a train of refugees from Kyiv arriving early in the morning.
As refugees met border control on the train, the Greater Good Charities handed out meals to passengers who wanted them, and the Greater Good Charities' Good Fix team worked with a Polish veterinarian to provide travel passport paperwork to pets without them - this includes permission paperwork, vaccinations, and microchips, all for free. The Good Fix team then went to Chelm to meet another train to do the same.
Later that morning, Greater Good Charities visited the Polish Humanitarian Action warehouse in Dorohusk to learn how they stage meal kits that provide 30 days' worth of food for one person.These packs go into Ukraine. The teams discussed plans to help the program in the longer term.
Then, the Greater Good Charities team visited with an administrative organization coordinating all shipments of product into Ukraine through the Dorohusk border and discussed a longer-term plan to help internally displaced refugees in Western Ukraine.
© Greater Good Charities
MAY 04, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities' ground team visited anrefugee center near the Dorohusk border thatnprimarily serves women and children today. The home can hold 300 refugees, and it was full when we visited. Over half of the residents were children, and many were orphaned. Over the past several weeks, Greater Good Charities has provided art supplies, medical supplies, food, and other supplies to support this shelter.
Now, this center is working with volunteer drivers to move product into Ukraine to helpninternally displaced people living close to the Western border. The Greater Good Charities teamntook their wish list and purchased food and dry goods as well as needed equipment liengenerators, chainsaws, flashlights, toys, and more.
On return to the shelter, the children provided the Greater Good Charities team with drawingsnmade with the donated art supplies as a way to say thank you.
© Greater Good Charities
MAY 03, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities' ground team visited the largest Ukraine border crossing into Poland today. The Medyka border crossing has seen over 1.8 million refugees cross since the end ofFebruary, mostly women with young children - many with pets.
We first met with our partners at World Central Kitchen who are providing hot meals to refugees crossing into Poland and the humanitarian aid workers who serve them. Within weeks of the initial invasion, Greater Good Charities rushed emergency funding to WCK to provide thousands of meals to those crossing.
Our veterinary team, including Veterinary Medical Director Dr. Ruth Parkin and VP of our GoodFix program Laura Littlebear, visited with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)border tent which provides free exams, care, carriers, and supplies toUkrainian pets crossing the border. We've sent weeks of volunteer veterinary labor to support this tent, includingGreater Good Charities board member Dr. Julie Ryan-Johnson, who adopted a Ukrainian cat(now named Madame George) during her visit.
That afternoon, the team visited with Centaurus Foundation, an amazing group who was invited by the Medyka mayor to take over an abandoned farm property to use as a temporary shelter for Ukrainian shelter pets. With limited resources, and in a very tough situation, theCentaurus Foundation has taken in over 1,000 cats and dogs, and adopted them out, fromUkrainian shelters who desperately needed to transport pets out to save their lives. GreaterGood Charities provided funding for kennels, food, and medicine, and will be providing additional support to help pets.
That evening, Greater Good Charities visited a refugee center full of over 100 mothers and children, some orphans. We worked with grant recipient Siobhan's Trust to make and distribute pizza to the families - bringing joy, food, and most importantly some normalcy to children experiencing deep trauma. Greater Good Charities is working with the Trust to expand their effort, including providing this service to orphanages within Ukraine.
Your support makes this possible. Thank you
APRIL 30, 2022 UPDATE:
We sent 1.5 tons of pet food to Ukraine today, for the many abandoned dogs and cats in the city of Izmail and surrounding towns. Next week, we're planning a bigger delivery to Odessa - hopefully 20 tons, combining food from several donors.
Thank you so much for providing food for starving animals in Ukraine. I'm in contact every day with animal shelter managers and volunteers who feed street dogs and cats, and they all tell me that they desperately need more food - it's the biggest need for animals there.
-Gregg Tully, Country Director, Save the Dogs and Other Animals
© Save the Dogs and Other Animals
APRIL 28, 2022 UPDATE:
Our partners at Kitchenette for Animals continue to struggle to provide for animals in their care since the war broke out. This weekend the pet food they purchased with their GGC cash grant arrived and is already filling bellies!
One silver lining in all this chaos and pain is seeing how people are coming together to do what they can to help others. We're grateful to work with a group of teachers and administrations volunteering in Chlem to organize small convoys into small towns in Ukraine. We sent an emergency cash grant to help this ground of volunteers purchase humanitarian food, selected for weight and nutrition like pasta, rice, cereal, tinned meat, tinned fish, and concentrated soups.
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APRIL 27, 2022 UPDATE:
Our first shipment of pet food has arrived at Krakow Food Bank in Poland! Soon it will be distributed to fill the bellies of refugee pets in the surrounding area!
© Krakow Food Bank
APRIL 26, 2022 UPDATE:
During a volunteer trip to Poland, veterinarian and Greater Good Charities board member Dr. Julie Ryan Johnson fell in love with a cat in need. She was in Poland to assist Ukrainian refugees and their pets coming into the country following the Russians' invasion of Ukraine.
When one Ukrainian woman lost her home due to Russian shelling, she packed up her seven cats and her mother and drove to the Polish border. Unfortunately, at her destination, she was only allowed to keep one cat and had to make a heartbreaking decision.
But our partners at IFAW took over care of the six cats and found each of them new homes! One of the homes ended up being Dr. Ryan Johnson's. The veterinarian knew she had to give George his second chance when she first laid eyes on the feline.
Check out this video of the amazing story of Dr. Julie and George from!
APRIL 22, 2022 UPDATE:
The first batch of cat and dog food is heading into Ukraine. Our Watch this video to see how your support is directly helping feed the innocent pets caught in this conflict.
APRIL 15, 2022 UPDATE:
Populated cities like Kyiv, Charkow, and Odessa continue to suffer from heavy shelling, gunfights, and armored vehicle fire. Cities like Bucza and Borodzianka were under Russian occupation for the past month.
Unfortunately, many civilians who escaped had to leave their beloved pets behind. Those surviving pets end up in overpopulated shelters, unable to receive the care they need. That's why it is so vital to support organizations like the Centaurus Foundation, which cares for quarantined and older animals, which are in need of everyday veterinarian assistance, diagnostics, and observation.
We've sent Centaurus Foundation an emergency cash grant to provide fuel for convoys, building materials for additional and enhanced enclosures, and veterinary supplies to help the refugee pets in their care. Their main facility in Szczedrzykowice is currently holding 200 animals in quarantine, with another 100 on the way from other shelters. In another facility in Medyka, there is no running water and no grid electricity. They're in desperate need of a generator for lights, heaters/air conditioners, medical fridges, and more.
And, in addition to helping pets, they're also providing support for their animal-welfare community! The Centaurus Foundation convoys are supplying the Kyiv region veterinary clinics with much-needed high-energy food for dogs and cats, as well as first aid medical supplies! Way to Amplify the Good!
We're grateful for the incredible support that we've received from our donors particularly for helping us raise funds to provide 1.5 million meals for the innocent animals who are suffering because of this crisis. Barring any delays, pet food distribution made possible by this campaign will start next week.
APRIL 06, 2022 UPDATE:
Hundreds of pets have been found dead in Ukraine since the crisis began. Many of them were found trapped in a shelter and died of hunger and thirst. This is the heartbreaking reality for many displaced pets in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
On the ground, Greater Good Charities has established a distribution network to move large quantities of pet food directly to the people and pets who need it. Together with our partners at U-Hearts and The Animal Rescue Site, we are purchasing truckloads of emergency food to send to shelters caring for pets within Ukraine and distribution centers in neighboring countries helping refugees with pets. We have an initial goal to rush 1.2 million meals to shelters and refugees with pets - you can help.
© Dr. Julie Ryan-Johnson
Our very own board member, Dr. Julie Ryan Johnson, DVM (Associate Director of Shelter Programs for Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc.), is on the ground as one of Greater Good Charities' volunteer veterinarians. She is doing great work to provide veterinary care for pets crossing the border into Poland from Ukraine alongside the IFAW team.
APRIL 04, 2022 UPDATE:
We received photos from our partners at U-Hearts from the Good Packs distribution on the ground in Ukraine! Not only do these packs contain survival essentials but also provide hope for Ukrainian refugees like the one pictured below.
© U-Hearts Foundation
In Romania, we're working with Asociatia Sava's Safe Haven, a family-run animal shelter. They work with partners in animal welfare like Street Dog Coalition, SPCA International, and OIPA to offer immediate help to Ukraine animals and people once they get to Romania. This includes transportation, shelter, and emergency aid.
We're funding Fundacja Kooperacja in Poland to supply refugees with needed commodities as well as leasing warehouse space.
We're funding Kitchenette for Animals, an organization based in the Czech Republic that has been helping Ukrainian pets since the war broke out. Our funding will help them build four pet pens to be used as temporary animal shelters to hold pets in quarantine.
MARCH 31, 2022 UPDATE:
Noah Horton, Denise Bash, and John Peaveler of Greater Good Charities presented to The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement on Greater Good Charities' Ukraine response to help people and pets. Watch the video to get an overview of our response strategy and an on-the-ground account of our response to help people and pets.
Thank you to The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement for hosting Greater Good Charities.
MARCH 30, 2022 UPDATE:
As you know, we recently worked with Warriors of Wildlife on the emergency relocation of Masha the Eurasian brown bear. Well, during that mission, we were alerted to this beautiful lion, Mir, and knew he couldn't be left behind.nnThis sweet boy was located in a western area of Ukraine not far from Lviv, and had nowhere to go as the country fell into turmoil. Being kept in a cage covered in filth and lack of clean drinking water, his future seemed to be non-existent.nnJust like so many other people and animals throughout Ukraine, each day for Mir has been completely terrifying. Warriors of Wildlife made a swift decision to get him out of Ukraine and into a safe environment. He has safely entered Romania where he will temporarily stay at the zoo while logistics of his future are set. His new home will be a species-appropriate area where he can live peacefully and enjoy being a lion at our Simbonga Game Reserve & Sanctuary!
In transit to his temporary holding facility in Romanian
© Warriors of Wildlife
There is a growing need for veterinary care during the evacuation. That's why we're funding Anim All Delta, a Romanian organization of two private practice veterinarians who set up their non-profit (pre-war) in Isaccea. This organization provides services and medicine to a community in a resource desert. Also, Anim has partnered with the Street Dog Coalition to provide veterinarians. Anim actually signed with the Romanian government to handle the border crossing and ensure all animals are properly vaccinated and documented.
MARCH 28, 2022 UPDATE:
Good news - At this moment our Good Packs are being delivered to Ukrainian refugees! Thanks to your donations, these packs of essential survival supplies will land in Lithuania and be transported to Ukraine by our partners at U-Hearts .
Masha the bear was rescued from Ukraine and brought to her new home at AMP Libearty - Bear Sanctuary thanks to Warriors of Wildlife and Greater Good Charities. We are continuing to work with Libearty Sanctuary to provide for Masha the bear's ongoing care. Check out this video of her amazing rescue story!
We are sending veterinarian volunteers to work with International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) in Poland. The VIDAS Volunteer Network ( Good Fix Vets) also has many veterinarians and technicians ready to deploy for GGC.
Grants Awarded:Thousands of Ukrainian families continue to flee their country, pets in tow. Those remaining in the country are struggling to care for their pets as the crisis continues to escalate. We're working with partners on the ground to provide help where it's needed most.
We're sending an emergency cash grant to the Federation of Polish Food Banks to help people and pets affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. The Federation is a coalition of food banks in the area, so this allows us to provide help and support the community.
We're sending funding the International Police Association in Poland to help refugees displaced by the current conflict and organize humanitarian aid shipments.
MARCH 25, 2022 UPDATE:
The situation on the ground in Ukraine is precarious and is deteriorating as Russia continues to target civilian residential areas in large cities around the country. Over 3 million people fled the country, and over 6.5 million were displaced from their homes. Unfortunately, many pets were left behind when their owners escaped from Ukraine. Hungry and alone, they're left to wander the streets.
Our team landed in Bucharest, Romania to check on our partners at Save the Dogs And other Animals, who have been sending food into Ukraine and helping refugees and their pets cross the border. We're helping to mobilize these urgent relief efforts as fast as we possibly can. Yesterday a Save the Dogs van brought more than a ton of pet food to the Ukrainian border, which was then distributed to shelter volunteers who feed street dogs and cats. Also, the organization just put up the first of two large tents at Save the Dogs' shelter! Together, these tents hold around 60 tons of pet food, which allows Save the Dogs to accept more donations.
Your donations are making a huge impact on the lives of the animals who are getting out of shelters in Ukraine and the pets of refugees fleeing who have fled their homes. We are grateful that with your support, families who have already lost everything because of this war are able to keep their pets with them.
Today, our remaining team in Poland visited the DPS Rejowiec Women and Children's Shelter and brought with them 150 pairs of socks and underwear, medicine and first aid supplies like bandages for 200 treatments, and food items enough to provide 150 filling meals. The shelter staff were so grateful that they insisted on our team staying overnight.
Check out this video of the team unloading the supplies at the Women and Children's Shelter!
Logistics and transportation remain a serious challenge: roads are not safe to move cargo, and many logistics companies refuse to operate. Every day we have to search for opportunities to deliver pet food (even in small quantities) across the country. To help cover these costs, we've sent an emergency cash grant to U-Hearts out of Ukraine to deliver aid to their network of over 1,000 pet shelters.
MARCH 23, 2022 UPDATE:
Each day, more and more Ukrainians are fleeing their homes for the safety of their family. During normal operations, the Rzeszow Food Bank in Poland serves 20,000 people in the community. But as the bank sits near the biggest border crossing, they are extending their assistance to help the thousands of refugees evacuating Ukraine. Our team visited the food bank and was able to see first-hand and assess what we can do for ongoing support.
Check out this video from our Director of Field Operations, John Peavler, onsite visit with the Rzeszow Food Bank in Poland!
Half of the team will remain in Poland and the other half is proceeding to meet up with our partners in Romania, including Save the Dogs and other Animals to address their biggest need right now, which is pet food. They're requesting 40 pallets of pet food, and we have our team here at home looking at options on how we can get that food to them in Romania as soon as possible.
We are thrilled to share that Masha, the bear rescued from the circus in Ukraine by Warriors of Wildlife, has arrived at her new home!! Masha is finally at AMP Libearty Sanctuary woods and is able to live the life she deserves - thanks to donors like you! Take a moment to celebrate and watch her dip her toes in her new pool!
Grants Awarded:
We're funding Tiernothilfe Ukraine e.V., from Germany to ship supplies into Ukraine for people and pets, as well as evacuating pets out of Ukraine to free up their owners to flee to safety. At the moment, evacuations are also failing because there are no more cages in the contested areas. This grant will pay for gas to carry out the evacuations, as well as some much-needed we cages and carriers for transport. These efforts will go a long way to saving more animal lives!
We're sending an emergency cash grant to The Street Dog Coalition out of Romania to cover the cost of major travel expenses and supplies. The Street Dog Coalition has set up a check station at the Romanian-Ukraine border to provide veterinary care and pet passports to pets of refugees. They are also putting resources towards collaborating with several other organizations, and a local veterinarian, to set up an emergency pet shelter and transport plan to get them to a large shelter in Bucharest.
MARCH 21, 2022 UPDATE:
We're excited to be working again with another long-time partner Soles4Souls, a non-profit out of Tennessee which provides shoes and clothing donated from individuals, community donation drives, and retailers and distributes them to various programs around the world to help those in need. They operate a warehouse in Moldova. The grant awarded to them will help combat the cost of logistics and shipping the donated products across Eastern Europe.
Our team on the ground visited our partners at the ADA Foundation, a private veterinary practice that provides care for the companion and wild animals that the foundation serves. The facility is not open to the public and is completely funded through donations from people like you. While the foundation normally serves around 1,000 animals per year, they've already provided treatment for over 600 animals since the start of the war (just about one month!) ADA Foundation is responding to the crisis with several forms of relief efforts:
Providing veterinary care for animals brought over the border by refugees and various rescue organizations
- In-house caring for over 40 cats and 40 dogs from Ukrainian animal shelters
- Running convoys into Ukraine (Lyviv) to drop supplies and pick up animals. They are also helping to distribute supplies to other organizations headed into Ukraine.
- Establishing three new spaces. One will be for Ukrainian dogs, one for Ukrainian cats, and the third will be a clinic to serve both in-house pets and those moving from or to Ukraine. And to top it off, the clinic has an apartment above it that will be used for visiting vets and techs.
© Greater Good Charities
We're funding Warriors of Wildlife as they work to get Masha, a bear rescued from the circus in Ukraine to Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Romania. A Eurasian brown bear who spent 19 years in a tiny cage when not performing, Masha's transport was already scheduled prior to the invasion. With the outbreak of war, getting her out of Ukraine became even more urgent. What seemed like a straightforward 120-mile relocation journey from the temporary shelter in Sambir, Western Ukraine to Romania became a delicate extraction mission. With your support, Masha is finally home to live the life she deserves in the AMP Libearty Sanctuary woods.
© Warriors of Wildlife
The funding provided to Clean Futures Fund helped with the recent evacuation of 12 horses, their trainer Anita, Anita's family members, and their two dogs. One of the horses, Vanilla, had already been evacuated from a wildfire back in 2020. We are happy that she and the whole family are now safe in Poland!
© Clean Futures Funds
MARCH 17, 2022 UPDATE:
We announced the coalition for the Save Pets of Ukraine, a new partnership with Greater Good Charities, Kormotech, (the largest pet food manufacturer in Ukraine, and U.S. entities), Phillips Pet Food & Supplies, American Pet Products Association, Pets Around the World, and Matrix Partners. This partnership is a unique opportunity to provide emergency support from within the country. We are proud to be able to help those within Ukraine as well as refugees in neighboring countries with the addition of this partnership. nOur ground team will be landing in Poland tomorrow to assess the situation on the ground. They will work to identify a warehouse space to stage and distribute humanitarian and pet supplies and food, including our Good Packs. They will distribute directly to refugees in neighboring countries and working with partners who are transferring products into Western Ukraine.
MARCH 14, 2022 UPDATE:
The World Central Kitchen team is serving 100,000+ nourishing meals at border crossings for refugees fleeing Ukraine and at shelters and camps for those who remain in the country per day.
Your donations helped the Clean Futures Fund successfully conduct their first evacuation mission over the weekend for people and pets from Chernihiv and northern Kyiv regions. The first group of evacuees had reached the border by bus, and from there they cross on foot. Food and other supplies are being provided for evacuees and for residents not evacuating, as well as additional sheltering for pets outside the region until they can be reunited with their families.
We're preparing to send a team into the region to assess the situation on the ground. Once there, they will set up a warehouse to stage and distribute humanitarian and pet relief supplies while distributing pet food to hundreds of animal shelter partners. This distribution will also include our Good Packs, with survival and comfort items for people and pets in need. Good Packs will also be sent to a Greater Good Charities' partner in Lithuania to help distribute them to more people and pets in need. Thank you for the support from the bottom of our hearts!
Grants Awarded:
We sent a cash grant to Save the Dogs and other Animals out of Italy. Save the Dogs is bringing tons of dog and cat food from their shelter in Cernavoda, Romania to the Ukraine-Romania border at Isaccea as many animal shelters in Ukraine are running out of pet food.
© Save the Dogs and Other Animals
MARCH 11, 2022 UPDATE:
Greater Good Charities is sending a team next week into the region to assess the situation on the ground and set up a warehouse to stage and distribute humanitarian and pet relief supplies while distributing pet food to hundreds of animal shelter partners.
We are launching a Help Ukraine version of our Good Home foster recruitment now to assist local groups in the region to help get temporary placement of adoptable pets so they can receive transport and have space for Ukrainian pets, or in the long term after quarantine, find placement for Ukrainian pets that have been left.
Grants Awarded:
- We sent a cash grant to World Central Kitchen to provide nourishing meals at crossings for refugees fleeing Ukraine and at shelters and camps for those who remain in the country. World Central Kitchen is currently set up at eight border crossings with Poland and is establishing meal distribution points across five countries, including Hungary, Moldova, and Romania.
- We sent a cash grant to Clean Futures Fund to support people and pet evacuations from Chernihiv and northern Kyiv regions, provide food and other supplies for residents not evacuating, and provide additional sheltering for pets outside the region until they can be reunited with their families.
Provide emergency relief for the people and pets who are suffering the devastating effects of the invasion in Ukraine. Every little bit helps.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds.
All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.

Greater Good Charities knows that disasters can be short term or long term, natural or human-made. We pride ourselves on being There When It Matters® when disaster strikes. We define disasters as events where people or pets are in crisis and local services aren’t able to fully support the needs of those affected. We only respond to disasters where we have specific requests for a need we can fill.
Greater Good Charities’ disaster response team monitors global crises year-round. When we identify a disaster, we reach out to partners on the ground, including our thousands of partners around the globe. We maintain a disaster fund and caches of product around the U.S., which allows for us to provide immediate relief in the form of cash and product grants when possible. In the case of natural disasters, our programs are sometimes activated in advance to do things like fly pets out of harm’s way or move humanitarian and animal welfare supplies in. When we respond to disaster, we take into account the longevity of the event, and make sure we reserve resources when needed.

Cash donations are the most efficient way for organizations like Greater Good Charities to provide assistance to people and animals in need during emergency situations.

How Your Donations Are Helping:
- Cash grants to vetted NGOs and partners operating on the ground to meet immediate needs for People and Pets
- Deploying licensed veterinarians and technicians to support partners in Romania and Poland, as well as at the borders of neighboring countries to assess the medical needs of pets coming through.
- Wildlife transport assistance out of Ukraine to neighboring countries
- Long term transport assistance in Europe only
- Warehouse and distribution networks in Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Moldova
- Food, humanitarian products, veterinary medicine, pet food, and pet product procurement in Europe for immediate distribution into Ukraine and Europe
- Container shipping for long term use of product scarcity in the region
- Foster Software for placement of pets into homes from shelters, especially where quarantine is necessary - Good Home program
To date, Greater Good Charities have now supported over 30 groups with humanitarian and animal welfare needs in five countries to help support the people and pets struggling in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
- ADA Foundation
- Asociatia Anim All Delta
- Asociatia Sava's Safe Haven
- Centaurus Foundation
- CENTRAS - Centrul De Asistenta Pentru Organizatii Neguvernamentale
- Clean Futures Fund
- Federation of Polish Food Banks
- Folkowisko Foundation
- Fundacja Kooperacja
- International Polish Police Department
- Kitchenette for Animals
- Krakow Food Bank
- Millions of Friends Association
- Pet Project for Pets, Inc
- Refugee Center - Rejowiec
- Romania Animal Rescue
- Rzeszow Food Bank
- Sache Vet Clinic
- Save the Dogs and other Animals
- Siobhan's Trust
- Soles4Souls
- The Street Dog Coalition
- Tiernothilfe Ukraine e.V
- U-Hearts
- Warriors of Wildlife
- World Central Kitchen
- Volunteer Group of Teachers
Be the light for the Ukrainian pets and families in their time of darkness. Rush your emergency aid today.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds.
All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.