Thanks to You, Former Bait Dog Is Safe Now

What is a Bait Dog?

A "bait dog" is a dog used to test the fighting ability of other dogs in the illegal practice of dog fighting. These dogs are typically non-aggressive and often come from shelters, are stolen pets, or are strays. They are used to provoke and train fighting dogs, frequently leading to severe injuries or death for the bait dogs. The practice is exceptionally cruel and is illegal in many places. Efforts to rescue and rehabilitate bait dogs are ongoing, with various animal welfare organizations working to combat dog fighting and provide care for the victims.

Blossom: A Survivor's Story

Blossom before

Blossom was a victim of dog fighting, used as a bait dog. She had severe trauma to the left side of her head; her ear was all but gone, her jaw shattered, and her tiny body was starving to death when A Chance to Bloom rescue found her. It took 140 sutures to help her ear area. She still requires a total hip replacement.

Blossom after!

Today, Blossom is thriving, and she will soon receive her new hips. She will then become Canine Good Citizen certified so she can meet with children at schools to talk about bullying and overcoming it!
Thanks to high-quality pet food donated by our GOODS program, dogs like Blossom can receive the medical care they need, as funding budgeted for food can be shifted to other areas.

How You Can Help

  • Adopt, Don’t Shop: Consider adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue organization.
  • Donate: Support animals in need by donating to provide food and medical services.
  • Volunteer: Offer your time to local animal shelters and rescue groups.
  • Spread Awareness: Educate others about the horrors of dog fighting and the plight of bait dogs.

Bait dogs like Blossom suffer immensely due to the cruel practices of dog fighting. However, with the help of compassionate people like you, they can receive the care they need to recover and thrive.