The World’s Most Endangered Marine Mammal


Have you ever caught a glimpse of a vaquita? With only 100 of these animals left in the entire world, the vaquita is the rarest and most-endangered species of marine mammal.  Because of this, you might not have the opportunity to witness these unique creatures much longer.

Protect the vaquita, the world's most endangered marine mammal via

Found only in the extreme of the Gulf of California, the vaquita is one of six species of porpoise. Each day, their lives are threatened at the possibility of becoming an incidental catch in gillnets set for shrimp.

Because shrimp have become the United States most popular seafood choice, the local fishermen have realized that this industry is an effective way to earn a living and feed their families. For the fishers of El Golfo de Santa Clara, San Felipe and Puerto Penasco along the Mexican Coast of the Sea of Cortez, the vaquita aren’t the intended target. Unfortunately, as they try to meet demand, the vaquita inadvertently become caught in their fishing gear.

Protect the vaquita, the world's most endangered marine mammal via www.GreaterGood.orgFor over 30 years, CEDO Intercultural has been attempting to change this. Located near the habitat of the vaquita in Puerto Penasco on the Sea of Cortez in Mexico, they have been initiating and participating in conservations efforts for the animals. As they study the critically endangered creatures, they also work with the local fisheries. It is essential that they have the fishermen’s participation in order to successfully save the vaquita.

Fortunately, CEDO has earned the fishermen’s trust and is now engaging them in taking action to minimize their impact on the vaquita. Recently, they launched a program that not only tests the fishing gear that threatens the animals, but also provides new vaquita-safe nets. They can eliminate an entire day’s worth of the threatening gillnetting for every 50 nets that are tested.

You can help protect animals like the vaquita by donating today. We can’t afford to have yet another animal go completely extinct. By supporting this cause, the possibility of seeing one of these unique creatures will remain.