Top 7 Myths About Adopting a Cat

Watching cat videos is good for a laugh during a stressful day or when checking in on internet-famous felines before bed. But get a cat of your own? No way!

You might think there are so many reasons not to adopt, but are there? 

Greater Good Charities is here to dispel seven myths about cat adoption and ownership.

Myth #1: Cats are boring

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With more than 26 billion views of cat videos, YouTube says otherwise. 

Most cats are playful, whether hitching rides on Roombas, skidding around corners, or dive-bombing a laundry basket. 

Like any pet, finding what toys or activities cats enjoy is key. Start with that cardboard box you keep forgetting to put out with the recycling. After watching a cat interact with one, you will never look at empty boxes the same way.

Myth #2: Cats can’t be trained


Just because cats have a reputation for having a mind of their own does not mean they are untrainable.

From using a litter box to walking on a leash, cats can be trained to perform skills that make it easy and fun to live with them. A little patience will help you house-train your cat in no time. Throw in a clicker and treats for positive reinforcement, and you can teach your cat to come, sit, fetch, high-five, roll over, and even jump through hoops.

Myth #3: Cats destroy furniture

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Cats need to scratch for relaxation, hygiene, stretching, and marking, but they do not need to scratch your furniture or your walls and drapes. 

The key is redirection. Give them something that is okay to dig into. Pet stores offer a range of options, like carpeted or sisal-wrapped posts, corrugated cardboard pads or loungers, and cat trees of all sizes. You can even make your own with materials found in a DIY store.

Myth #4: Cats are aloof

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PHOTO © Ray Setup Photography + ASPCA

People say cats are introverted, but with good company, they can be warm and friendly in the right situations. Research even shows that humans are to blame in cases where cats are antisocial. A cat's behavior depends on our own. Cats may not always seek attention, but when you engage with them, you can create a strong, loving bond.

Myth #5: Cats and dogs don’t get along

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Outside of cartoons and comics, most cats and dogs get along just fine, and many even grow to love each other. The key is a thought-out, well-managed introduction. 

Myth #6: Cats aren’t good with little kids

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Research shows that kids raised with pets reap emotional and physical benefits. Cats may not offer as many sloppy kisses or want as many belly rubs as dogs, but they bring their own special gifts to your home. 

Adopting an adult cat rather than a kitten may be wise, as their more low-key demeanor has a calming effect. Cats are also great teachers, helping kids learn about patience, empathy, gentleness, and respecting personal space.

While cats may be somewhat mysterious to us, they are undeniably sweet and loving companions. Their unique ability to enrich our lives, particularly those of children, is a testament to the deep emotional connection they can foster.  

Myth #7: Cats in Shelters Don't Need Support

Shelters do an incredible job of caring for cats until they can be adopted. Unfortunately, they are stretched thin by surrendered cats and kittens, low adoption rates, and limited resources.

The cost of food is the number one expense shelters face, often leaving them with the impossible decision of being able to take in more pets when they struggle to care for the ones they have. 

how you can help

If you are still deciding about adoption, give it another thought. Also, your donation today can help feed and care for shelter cats looking for their forever home.