How Love the Sea is Cleaning the Plastic Pacific

Last year our partner, Love the Sea, removed marine and plastic debris from miles of the Hawaiian shoreline - all thanks to your contributions.

250,000 - That’s how many feet of beach was cleaned in Hawaii as a direct result of your generous donations last year! In partnership with Love the Sea, the Help Clean Our Ocean Project has inspired people worldwide to protect our environment, save the lives of marine species, and beautify our coasts. Love the Sea and its volunteers cleaned up plastic and marine debris on Hawaii’s shorelines, as the islands’ coasts are hotspots for this type of litter.

BrittSupporters (1)50 Supporters Joined Brittany to Raise Awareness About Cleaning Our Oceans
Photo © Love The Sea

Removing marine and plastic debris from Hawaii’s shorelines is incredibly urgent, as it creates environmental and health problems for both marine life and humans. Much of the debris is not biodegradable. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service projects that roughly 8 million tons of debris end up in the ocean each year!

Love the Sea provided this story about how one of their interns took charge to enlighten others on the impact of removing plastic from Hawaii’s shorelines: 

 “In protest of ocean plastic pollution activist Brittany Daniels, a 29-year-old marine biologist from Cleveland, inspired by Love the Sea, hiked about 170 miles around the entire coastline of Maui Island in two weeks. The main purpose of her endeavor was to raise funds and raise awareness for the increasing threats of marine debris...

BrittDaniels (1)Brittany Daniels Collecting Plastic on Hawaii’s Coast
Photo © Love The Sea

People were excited to join her and know more about plastic pollution in our ocean. We are certain that each person that saw this project, either live or on any TV stream or media, was in fact inspired by our efforts, leading to more awareness about how we consume, how we act and how we treat our planet.” 

Brittany is a prime example of what Love the Sea and Greater Good Charities plan to execute through the Help Clean Our Ocean Program.

Donate today to help us clean our beaches and oceans and a difference in our world for generations to come!