Greater Good Charities: Prepared for Disaster When Winter Storms Strike

Winter storms are raging across the country this weekend, putting vulnerable communities at risk of widespread power outages, heat loss, and lack of access to food and shelter. These storms are intense and unpredictable, unleashing heavy snow and blizzards, widespread winds, rain, tornados, and flooding.  

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According to the National Weather Center Storm Prediction Center, over 40 million people nationwide are under severe storm threats this weekend alone. 

And your help is needed.

Disaster Relief Expertise 

When disaster strikes, Greater Good Charities is poised to help. Our disaster relief team monitors global events, prepares resources, and assists people and pets in affected communities.

There When It Matters 

Greater Good Charities is committed to being there when it matters, whether it is a result of natural or human-made disaster. We are consistently preparing and monitoring events globally to deploy assistance to victims of hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, winter storms, or other catastrophes. By providing on-the-ground humanitarian aid and funding partners worldwide, we maximize the impact and relief for those in need.  

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Past Disaster Relief Efforts 

  • Ukraine Disaster Relief: Since 2022, Greater Good Charities provided disaster relief to Ukraine. Despite freezing temperatures and ongoing conflict, we are working alongside our partners, delivering millions of meals to families and their hungry pets and building and reinforcing shelters for animals facing the cold, harsh weather. 
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Photo © Oro Whitley

Photo © U-Hearts

  • Maui Wildfire: In the wake of the devastation, the Greater Good Charities disaster relief team acted to provide aid to the victims of the Maui wildfires, securing resources, aligning partners, and deploying assistance to people and pets directly impacted. 
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Photo © Greater Good Charities
  • Turkey and Syria Earthquake: A once-in-a-century 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southeastern Turkey in the frigid pre-dawn hours of Monday, February 6, 2023. A second quake, which recorded a magnitude of 7.5, struck nine hours later. The tremors toppled thousands of buildings in Turkey and Syria, with a death toll of over 20,000. The Greater Good Charities disaster relief response team immediately supported multiple community partners to identify immediate needs and expedite humanitarian aid to survivors.  
Photo © Greater Good Charities
Photo © Greater Good Charities

How Your Donations Provide Disaster Relief 

Greater Good Charities approaches disaster response in three ways. 

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Photos © Oro Whitley

  1. Proactive Preparation: We pre-position supplies in disaster-prone areas for efficient response and educate communities on disaster preparedness.

  2. Immediate Relief: We provide urgent supplies and on-the-ground support during the critical early stages of a disaster.

  3. Long-Term Recovery: We assist people and pets and rebuild infrastructure for lasting impact. 

Stay Up to Date on Our Disaster Relief Responses 

Stay connected on our disaster relief response and how your donations aid those in crisis.

Our Latest Update on Winter Storms

Winter storms make pet transports more critical than ever. Shelters in Louisiana are facing unprecedented weather with no room to house pets safely. Despite the obstacles, Good Flights has made two successful pet transports this week thanks to the flexibility of receiving shelters, the dedication of shelter staff and volunteers to stay overnight on cots with pets at the shelters, and airports finding ways to accommodate safe pet transports despite weather conditions. Your life-saving donations make this possible. Sign up for the latest information on these critical winter storms and how Greater Good Charities is responding.