Why Your Ideal Dog Might be a Cat

AdobeStock_269478900Thinking about getting a dog? They are loving and loyal companions that will change your life.

However, cats often exhibit many traits you desire in a dog.

Always visit your local shelters when seeking a new pet. There, you can find a variety of cats that could be a perfect fit for your home. You might be surprised at how similar they can be to dogs, making transitioning to a new pet a breeze. 

Here are a few typical dog activities cats can do just as well.

Cats Like to Go on Adventures 

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There is no denying that dogs always seem up for adventure, but plenty of cats are, too. 

Imagine a cat on a leash, in a stroller, or even in a backpack. These are just a few of the many versatile ways you can bring your beloved feline along on your outdoor adventures. With the right personality and training, your cat can be your perfect companion in a variety of situations.  

Cats Are Good Sleep Companions  

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Something about a purring cat snuggled up to your chest and sleeping on your head is soothing. They often act like their own white noise machine. And they (usually) do not steal the blankets.

Cats Come When We Call Them 

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Cats are intelligent creatures, and they know who fills the dinner bowl. In a safe and comfortable environment, cats will be just as happy as dogs to run to greet you when you get home.

Cats Entertain Us 

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Cats are hilarious, yet they are not trying to be funny. There is a reason cat videos rack up millions of views on social media.

Cats Are Loyal and Protective  

Cats can be fiercely protective of the ones they love. They have been known to jump in between their humans and wild animals, chase strangers, and hiss at anyone trying to steal their spot on your lap.  

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Cats come with many personalities, temperaments, sizes, and shapes, so consider whether a cat is right for you. You might be surprised that everything you look for in a pet might just come with a “meow” instead of a “woof.”

Help Shelter Cats today

Shelters around the country need help with overcrowding and low adoption rates. If you are not ready to adopt, you can still support these organizations through donations.

Your 100% tax-deductible gift will provide cats in need with essentials like food, a bed, and vaccines.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.